Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Does scoliosis make you walk weird?

I am a 21 year old male and I have scoliosis. I wonder if scoliosis makes you walk weird?

10 Answers

It can.
Depending on the type and severity of scoliosis, it may alter your gait.
Scoliosis can affect the way you walk.
Yes, it can.
There are minimal and mild scoliosis that look normal to the average person and there are severe scoliosis that are apparent. You need an expert to do a proper evaluation.
It can if the scoliosis is not fully compensated for.

Dr. Poller
In most cases it won’t. You should get checked out by a pediatrician or chiropractor.
Absolutely. It completely throws off the biomechanics of your entire body, not just your spine.
Scoliosis can affect gait (the mechanics of walking) if it is severe. Most of the time any nuances of gait abnormalities will go unnoticed. However, over time, an untreated scoliosis will force the rest of the body to function in the best way it can, which may look different than someone without a scoliosis.
It can.