Psychiatry & Neurology | Addiction Medicine Questions Alcohol

Does my son need to go to support group or rehab for alcohol?

My son is nearing thirty years old and he has issues with abusing alcohol. I'm not sure how I could help him, other than suggesting him to go to some type of therapy. Do you think treatment is better in a rehab center? Or would he be fine going to a support group? And, yes, he does want the help. He just doesn't know where or how to start.

3 Answers

Treatment in a residential treatment center is a very good start, of course, depending upon the individual’s addiction length and severity. Support groups, whether instead of treatment or started during treatment, in my opinion, can only help. Finding a counselor for weekly one-on-one counseling is also a good thing. One-on-one counseling gives the individual an outlet for all of those feelings and life problems and a safe place to be worked out. I hope this helps.

Don Johnson, CADC III: AOD Counselor
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Open Door Community Health Centers
Fortuna Community Health Center
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There are multiple effective paths to alcohol recovery, both inpatient and outpatient. There is no one-size fits all. One path that should be considered more often is medical treatment:
Some folks do extremely well with community-based Alcoholics Anonymous. Most won't get sober simply seeing a psychotherapist. Rehab has the best outcome, so long as you realize many rehab facilities are in it.