“How can manipulation help severe menstrual pain?”
Before and during my period, I tend to get severe menstrual pain that's really hard for me to get rid of. Of course I do take Advil, Tylenol, whatever I have at the time. My friend suggested OMT because it helped her. What benefits does manipulation have for menstrual pain?
3 Answers
There are some common patterns of somatic dysfunction, especially of the pelvis and sacrum, that can be found in patients with more severe menstrual cramps. Depending on the patient, osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) might be helpful in decreasing the severity of symptoms. There are some easy techniques that can be taught to partners or roommates that can be implemented at home too.
Hello! Yes, sometimes we can help menstrual pain, especially when we treat the pelvic and sacral area to help remove restrictions. Sometimes there are some supplement recommendations that can help as well~
Osteopathic treatment for menstrual pain focuses on mobilizing the sacrum and pelvis, which is where the nerves that go to the uterus come off the spine. This in conjunction with reducing physical strains in the abdomen will improve blood and lymphatic circulation to and from the uterus and ovaries, and help the overall function and ease of the menstrual process.