Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

How do I know if I need glasses?

I am a 21 year old male. I have fairly good vision but need to squint sometimes. How do I know if I need glasses?

7 Answers

A complete ophthalmologic exam should be performed.
Compare your vision at a distance to an acquaintance who has good vision. Probably reading the print on a storefront or billboard would indicate whether you see as well as this person. If not, then you might need an eye examination.

On Thursday, January 9, 2020, 10:24:36 AM PST, FATD Patient Questions <answers+1113528_53716_a4a767e4e13ae77a60efda78da5d6c15@expert.findatopdoc.com> wrote:

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| How do I know if I need glasses? |

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| I am a 21 year old male. I have fairly good vision but need to squint sometimes. How do I know if I need glasses?

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See an ophthalmologist for an eye exam & refraction (measurement for glasses)
See an eyecare specialist to check your visual system.
Having to squint in order to see something clearly is a strong sign that glasses would improve your vision. I’d definitely recommend an eye exam to look into it closely.

Dr. Batson, MD
See an optometrist for a check
You need to get an eye exam.