“How do I stop my pelvis from rotating?”
I am a 38 year old female. I want to know how do I stop my pelvis from rotating?
8 Answers
The first thing I would do is evaluate posture. Is there something that is causing the imbalance? Also, when sitting, I would evaluate how your hips are, do you cross your knees or ankles or are you sitting criss cross applesauce. Different postures can cause our hips to go out of alignment. If you sit all day for your job, I would recommend getting a standing desk or taking walking breaks every 15-20 minutes. Most importantly, get in to see your chiropractor so you can make sure there isn't any major pelvic rotation causing them to continually go out.
There are so many things that cause us to become misaligned. The easiest way to maintain natural, normal joint alignment is to exercise and strengthen the muscles surrounding the joint. The more protection the joint has the more comfortable it will feel to be self sufficient.
Core and pelvic stability exercises like isometric planks, side plank, isometric hold bridges will stabilize the pelvis. Most think of core strengthening, but look up core and pelvic stability exercises. Basically similar except most you just hold in an unstable position that forces balance.
Vishal K. Verma, DC, CCSP
Vishal K. Verma, DC, CCSP
That is a GREAT question! Ultimately, if your pelvis is rotating, a chiropractor would be able to align your pelvis and stabilize the area to allow for it not to rotate. I’d recommend sitting down with a chiropractor and maybe even having an exam and X-rays done to see what the cause is and go from there!
Hope that helps!
Dr. Josh Barton, D.C.
Hope that helps!
Dr. Josh Barton, D.C.
Hello 38-year-old female,
If there has not been any trauma, typically there is an underlying muscle imbalance. Correct this by strengthening the muscles that are weak and stretching the muscles that are overly active with trigger points.
If there has not been any trauma, typically there is an underlying muscle imbalance. Correct this by strengthening the muscles that are weak and stretching the muscles that are overly active with trigger points.
Pelvic rotation is caused by weak core muscles along with a functional (acquired) short leg which creates unequal weight bearing and bad posture. This can be corrected with regular chiropractic treatment and core strengthening exercise.
Yours in Health,
Doc J
Yours in Health,
Doc J
I would recommend getting on a core stabilizing exercise program to stop your pelvis from rotating. It is also a good idea to seek out an examination from a Chiropractor or Physical Therapist to aid in fixing your issue.