Dentist Questions Bone Grafts

How is a bone graft done for dental implants?

I'm about to have a bone graft for a dental implant at the end of this week. How is a bone graft done for dental implants? What does it involve?

1 Answer

Bone grafts for dental implants can be quite variable. The surgeon should be using an allograft material which comes from another human and is irradiated to kill any germs. I've never heard of anyone developing a disease from an allograft material. Once the material is placed into your bone, your body gradually replaces it with your own bone so that within six months all of the graft material has been replaced. Xenograft materials were once used but are limited now because they resist replacement by your own bone and the material just sits there forever like sand. Over the graft a membrane is placed to resist invasion of skin cells which would interfere with the healing process. These might be good questions to ask your surgeon.

Neal Nealis, DDS