Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

How long does a chiropractic adjustment take to work for scoliosis?

I am a 16 year old male and I have scoliosis. How long does a chiropractic adjustment take to work for scoliosis?

7 Answers

One chiropractic adjustment will not do much for a scoliosis. It may take many months of treatment, if it is treatable. There are many factors involved that determine if it's treatable, how long it will take, etc. Regardless, I recommend lifetime chiropractic treatment for scoliosis cases due to the stresses that it puts on the spine. Find a chiropractor who will take a detailed history and perform a thorough examination before treating.
You will always have scoliosis but chiropractic will still help keep the nervous system functioning so you stay healthier. I have had many scoliosis patients and they do feel better. Good luck!!
Depends on a lot of factors, but expect it to take time such as a couple of years for lasting correction. 16 is a little old to expect a lot of fast change as your growth plates are close to closing.
It all depends on the type of scoliosis and the calculated degree of the curvature. The types are functional (non-structural) which is caused by one leg being shorter than the other or pelvic imbalance. The other is structural which there are several causes. Also, functional is usually one sided, affecting only one area of the spine, whereas structural can affect multiple areas. In most cases, if there is no underlying vertebral deformity and treated early, they can be corrected, reduced or the progression halted. As for how much time it will take depends on the type. I have corrected or substantially reduced a scoliosis in four to six months, but sometimes has taken a year or more. Comparative X-rays are needed every 4-6 months to monitor progress.

Yours in health,

Doc J
I’ve seen protocols that show improvements within a few months. But you should really be thinking a year or so if you’re trying to fully correct the scoliosis completely.
Everyone's case is different because there are multiple variables. Find a chiropractor near you that specializes in corrective care and they will give you a care plan.
Chiropractic adjustments alone may not be the most effective way to treat scoliosis. Depending on the severity of your spine's curve, you may need to wear a brace. Ongoing exercises for the muscles of the back and core are essential to a healthy spine, especially if a scoliosis is present.