Chiropractor Questions Chiropractic care

Is chiropractic treatment effective for son's back pain?

My son has had back pain for two months already from a sports injury, which he had gotten while playing basketball. Should I consider chiropractic treatment for him?

14 Answers

The answer is yes....But you need to give more details in your question. What kind of injury, how did it happen, is he feeling better a few days later or is it getting worse? What kind of pain is he experiencing, is it sharp or a deep ache, does it radiate into his leg or legs. Is it worse when sitting, standing or laying down? These descriptions would definitely narrow it down on what's going on without seeing your son in person and doing a thorough exam.

But in a nutshell, you will find that you will probably get the most thorough muscular-skeletal exam from a good chiropractor than anyone else. I always communicate with the patients primary physicians my findings and try to co-manage my patients regardless of age, as I find we get the best results for each patient when everyone is on the same page. Best wishes to you and your son and I hope for a speedy recovery.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Scott
It may be good idea to look into chiropractic treatment for his back pain. Chiropractic treatments may also help with the nervous system functioning more properly.
I would highly recommend an exam. If we can identify the cause of the back pain, it is highly likely that we will be able to help him.

Dr. Jake Tucker
Absolutely. A chiropractor will detect and correct the misalignments which are putting pressure on those nerves causing the pain. Treat the cause, not the symptom.
Hope I helped. Got your back!

Dr. Todd Gewant
Hi there,

Sorry to hear about your son's injury. I would definitely look into chiropractic for him. We are spine specialists and would do wonders for him. Make sure you find a doc that would take X-rays to see what's going on.

Dr. Frederick
Hi Mom,

Yes, you should absolutely bring him to get a chiropractic examination. During the exam, his biomechanics will be analyzed, individual muscles will be checked to see which are weak or strong, range of motion in different planes will be evaluated, as well as neurological reflexes. Most likely due to the length of time and injury based problem an X-ray ordered. He also will looked at for compensation problems and or extremities that may be involved (i.e., knee, ankle foot, hip). Every professional sports team has a chiropractor for a reason. It helps improve injuries as well as performance.
Good luck
Yes, chiropractic doctors are specialized in musculoskeletal system. Moreover, they are trained to recognize early on nervous system dysfunction and faulty biomechanics. Chiropractic care will allow him to play without back pain and empower his body to adapt to any existing physical, chemical and emotional stress.
You can certainly consider it, but I recommend a thorough evaluation first. This can be done by a chiropractor, or a spine-related orthopedic surgeon or physical medicine (physiatrist) medical doctor. It may or may not involve x-rays depending on his age. It's always best to evaluate before treating.
Yes! Absolutely! If he goes too long without getting his spine evaluated and adjusted if necessary, his body will start to compensate and will have further issues. If they don’t arise now, they will show up later in life!
Chiropractic is the go to treatment for mechanical low back pain. However in the adolescent athlete an x-ray of the lumbar is usually recommended to rule out any fracture. In most cases chiropractic manipulation with some muscle therapy resolves the pain quickly
Yes, absolutely. In fact, it would be a great idea to have him see a chiropractor regularly if he is going to continue sports as it will help him prevent injury and/or recover quicker and maybe even play better!
Absolutely, Chiropractic is very effective in getting athletes back to play. I recommend looking for a Sports Chiropractor for the best results.