Naturopathic Physician Questions Natural Treatments

Are there any natural treatments to treat anxiety?

I am suffering from anxiety and I am scared to take medication for the fear of the side effects. Are there any natural treatments that can help me treat my anxiety?

23 Answers

Yes. There are natural treatments for anxiety. However, one size does not always fit all. And, very importantly, whether natural or conventional, is your healthcare team getting to the root cause of the anxiety? Are they treating the whole you? Does counseling count as natural treatment? It should. Connection. Space to be heard and validated. We all need it, especially after the past 2 years... It is a foundation of health, like water and air. And, connection to someone with experience, practice, training, compassion can be essential to supporting your whole self. I highly recommend seeking out counseling, as well as someone like myself - an ND that is trained in natural treatments AND addressing the root cause of illness - to add to your support team.
Hi! It is best practice to get evaluated by a naturopathic physician or doctor to evaluate the best practice approach to your individualized care. There are many wonderful natural therapies that help or may aid in reducing symptoms of anxiety. Faithful lifestyle practices with these therapies are best served. This is not a recommendation but should be addressed with your own health care provider - adrenal supportive herbs and adaptogenic herbs have been shown to potentially alleviate feelings of anxiety. However, it is best to be evaluated to see what best combination of therapies may suit you best or if there are other complicating factors that are contributing to these symptoms. Best of Luck!
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There are many natural ways to address anxiety (i.e., herbs, vitamins, biofeedback, hydrotherapy, counseling, etc.). The specifics would depend on underlying causes/triggers of your anxiety and what kind of anxiety you have. Sometimes anxiety can also be a result of another medical condition, and it can be good for someone to be able to see the whole picture.
Yes there are many natural treatments. Gaba is one. L- theanine is another.
I personally use guided imagery with my patients to help relieve their anxiety. I have been doing this for over 20 years with almost 100% success rate. There are several supplements to support mood enhancement, but I believe guided imagery is the best way. You can find some mindfulness meditations (another word for guided imagery) on YouTube.
Hi there!

We received your question about natural remedies for anxiety. As a Functional Medicine practice, we tend to use diagnostic lab testing to find the root causes of things like anxiety. Usually, there can be an underlying cause to why someone is experiencing high levels of anxiety - for instance, chronic infection, toxins in the system, or gut dysbiosis can be a few causes at the root of this.

Andrea LaMothe
Try Asleep supplement available on Shiftworkers
Yes, there are a lot of natural approaches to anxiety which include nutritional support, supplemental and herbal recommendations, and even daily anxiety-reducing techniques.
I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling with anxiety. Yes, there are many natural options for treatment, whether you are or aren’t taking medication for it. Examples are things like acupuncture, herbs and nutrients (vitamins/minerals) that are either calming or directly work on the neuro chemical pathways triggering anxiety, essential oils/aromatherapy, mind-body techniques and more! Many people find natural relief without ever having to take a prescription. If a person happened to be on a prescription, we can make sure that any herb or nutrient would not interfere before recommending it.
Yes, there. Please, make an appointment with a naturopathic or homeopathic doctor for a personal recommendation with the right dosage.
There are SO many natural options to treat anxiety. I mainly use amino acid therapy to support the body's natural production of neurotransmitters. A great resource and starting place is The Mood Cure by Julia Ross.
There are plenty of supplements to treat anxiety - anything that induces GABA. There are some GABA supplements at health food stores.
Yes, there are many supplements and botanicals that have been used to successfully treat anxiety. To best identify the correct formula for you, please schedule an appointment.
Dr Anderson
Yes Calm, Passion Fruit, Lavender Aroma-therapy, St. John’s Wart, Camomile Tea.

Yes, you can try Passionflower and L-theanine.

Dr. Liz
There are many natural therapies that can help with the treatment of anxiety. These are the type of things to consider when treating anxiety: nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalance, thyroid disorder, medication side effects of other drugs, sleep quality, stress, etc.. When addressing anxiety, all these factors have to be taken into consideration. I hope this helps.
There are a lot of things you can do for anxiety. In fact, they can often be due to a nutrient deficiency. You should reach out to a qualified Naturopathic Doctor in your area to work with.
There are many options. You need to find a naturopathic doctor who specializes in this area.
Yes, there are natural treatments for anxiety such as acupuncture, which I have seen work great, herbal remedies/supplementation, relaxation guidance, biofeedback, diet/nutrition counseling and many other therapies. Working with a naturopathic physician and/or acupuncturist will help you to identify the cause of your anxiety and help create the best plan for you.
Thank you for your important question. Anxiety can be a serious and debilitating problem. Mild to moderate episodes can effectively be treated without drugs, when appropriate in conjunction with counseling. I particularly find acupuncture to be a safe, simple method to treat anxiety non-chemically. Even a brief 20-minute visit to a licensed provider can calm anxiety and allow you to move on with your activities. In addition, doctors trained in Naturopathic therapies also can recommend various calming plant-based therapies, biofeedback, and relaxation methods to treat anxiety.
Be cautious about anything natural, if you are on any psychiatric medications. The Life-Extension Foundation has some good data and a textbook on this topic. Again, each patient's needs and medical issues are different than their friends and families.
Please email me direct at There is an amazing formula that relaxes the brain. Lifestyle changes were also recommended. Making sure to calm the brain, sleep patterns, proper exercise, and plenty of quality nutrition.
Thank you for your questions in regards to treating anxiety. Here is an article I wrote that my clients have found very useful in working with the Every Day Steps To Learn How to Love & Feel Good About YOU!!!!ir anxiety>>>>