“My baby has just been discharged from the NICU after lung issues. What precautions should I take?”
My baby was born 2 months early and was kept due to weak lungs. He was in the NICU for 4 weeks and has just been discharged. What are the precautions that I should bear in mind? What can I do that will benefit both myself and my baby?
1 Answer
Few important precautions: (1) RSV immunizations depending upon baby's course in the NICU (2) flu shot for the parents and anyone who is going to be a caretaker or contact in the house (3) No smoking in the house (4) avoid extremes of environmental conditions i.e. too cold, too hot, too humid, too crowded etc. etc. (5) exclusive breast milk feedings as much as possible (6) Kangaroo care/skin to skin care (7) all immunizations to be up to date (7) regular pediatric visits