“How can I prevent loss of calcium from my teeth?”
What steps should I take to prevent loss of calcium from my teeth?
3 Answers
Even a calcium supplement would not affect the calcium in your teeth as far as longevity is concerned, because it is taken orally. The calcium that is in your teeth is a mineral which is there naturally as part of the bone structure and a component part of the enamel. Good hygiene is the best way to prolong a lifetime of good dental health, and no dietary calcium or anything else that is over-the-counter that you can swallow would have an impact on your teeth except fluoride mouth rinse, and this would be predominantly in adolescents who tend to ingest more sugar than adults.
The protective enamel of your teeth is predominantly calcium. When a hole penetrates through the enamel and into the dentin, it is called a 'cavity' and needs to be filled. The best way to prevent calcium loss is to limit consumption of carbohydrates between meals, including fruits, breads, dairy and starches.