Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Should I workout if my neck hurts?

I am a 25 year old female and I have neck pain. Should I workout if my neck hurts?

14 Answers

No. Rest and Ice. If if doesn’t get better by day two, see a chiropractor.
You should continue movement to keep your neck from getting stiff. The answer to your question depends on your workout. I wouldn’t do any heavy over head lifts or strain your neck with sit-ups or crunches, but if you have proper body form and don’t overdo, you should be fine to continue working out and the stretching may help your neck pain. Just know that when you are injured, more pain means stop. You can hurt yourself worse if you don’t.

It all depends on the quality of your pain. Does it hurt when you move it? Or is it a constant, dull pain? You need to consider how did you sleep, or what you were doing when it started. If it hurts with movement, I would recommend not to workout for a couple days and do some gentle neck stretches and ice the area. Remember to cover your skin prior to the use of ice. If it doesn't improve in a couple days, you should go and visit your chiropractor.
To answer this question properly, I would need to know the pain level, the cause and the time that you have been in pain and the type of workout you want to do. My safe answer is not to do any exercise that strains the muscles in your mid to upper back and neck and/or causes compression to these areas. Walking, stationary bike, Elliptical can be conservative exercises that can improve circulation to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments so that you can gently stretch and improve your range of motion. Be gentle and do not make an injury worse by trying to workout hurt!
No. Not until you are professionally checked out by a Gonstead chiropractor!!
You should find out what is wrong with your neck so you don’t make the problem worse by working out.
Depends on the neck pain and the cause of the neck pain. If it is a dull achy pain not caused by any trauma or accidents then you should have no problem working out. If it’s too painful while working out then quit or only focus on legs. If it’s severe pain or after an accident or trauma then I wouldn’t until you get checked by a doctor. I would need more history of your neck pain to be able to give you a more definite answer.
Thank you for posting your question. I would recommend have your neck checked, especially if the cause of pain is trauma, accident, or fall.
That would all depend on what kind of neck pain. Is it sharp, shooting or just muscle soreness? I would suggest seeing a chiropractor for all of those types of pain, but if just soreness, it may be due to weakness and the condition needs strengthening.
You should see a chiropractor to find out why your neck hurts. You cannot just ignore that pain. Your body is telling you something is not right. Find out what that is.
You should be ok to work out if your neck hurts. If working out causes your pain or makes it worse, go see a Sports Chiropractor for an assessment and treatment.
It’s not a great idea to do so. You could injure your neck more. I would get evaluated and treated by your chiropractor if warranted.
First, get your neck pain evaluated to determine appropriate care.
If your neck hurts, you should seek help from a chiropractor or other health care professional. Pain is your body's way of saying "help, there's a problem". A good practitioner will take an extensive history, and perform a thorough evaluation. They should be able to answer your questions based on the information you gather. Ideally, they find out the underlying cause of your pain and treat you appropriately.