“What are the risks of chiropractic neck adjustments for children?”
My 11 year old son will have a chiropractic neck adjustment. What are the risks of chiropractic neck adjustments for children?
9 Answers
As with any procedure there is always a minimal risk regardless. But in response to your inquiry; adjusting children is actually safer than adults. Several reasons why...In most cases they have not developed any arthritic problems, osteoporosis, heart issues etc or other pathological or spinal deterioration.
The main suggestion I would offer is that you are seeing a chiropractor who has experience with children. Ask first then treat. You did not state why he was being adjusted. Children under regular chiropractic care are healthier, get sick less often and get well quicker if they are sick.
The main suggestion I would offer is that you are seeing a chiropractor who has experience with children. Ask first then treat. You did not state why he was being adjusted. Children under regular chiropractic care are healthier, get sick less often and get well quicker if they are sick.
There are very low risks to neck adjustments no matter what age and can be greatly reduced with a thorough history and examination. Like any procedure including surgery risks are always involved. At 11 years of age, the risk is very low, and in my office, I always do gentle spinal manipulation or alternative safe moves that are totally risks free. Many types of mobilization can be accomplished with different chiropractic techniques.
Be well,
Dr Mary
Be well,
Dr Mary
Risks are very minimal, especially with children. About the worst I've seen in the last 30 years is they are ticklish, or do not like the sound.
There is minimal risk associated, depending on the severity of the issue, with adjustments on children, their bodies are still developing so they are very responsive to treatment. An evaluation will help determine the severity and protocol of treatment.
Thank you,
There is minimal risk associated, depending on the severity of the issue, with adjustments on children, their bodies are still developing so they are very responsive to treatment. An evaluation will help determine the severity and protocol of treatment.
Thank you,
The risk of any adverse reactions from a Chiropractic adjustment are very low. If you are concerned, you may seek out a Chiropractor who uses non-force techniques in adjusting the spine.