“What are the side effects of contrast dye CT scan?”
I am an 18 year old female. I will have a CT scan with contrast dye. What are the side effects of contrast dye after a CT scan?
5 Answers
Side effects include nausea, vomiting and a metallic taste in the mouth. These are typically almost immediate. Unless you have an allergy to CT dye, the likelihood is nothing. Literature reports that kidney damage can occur, which it can. However, most of those reports come from cardiac catheter data which arrives at the kidneys in a much greater concentration and typical amount that that of a CT. The heavily favored odds is that you'll likely be fine.
All the best.
All the best.
Very few side effects with the new nonionic contrast agents, especially if you are young with good renal function and no history of diabetes mellitus. It is typical to have a mild heat sensation during the injection that may concentrate in the pelvic area. Rare complications of itching and rash. Very rare serious allergic reactions such as throat swelling, difficulty breathing and anaphylaxis. Very rare is noncardiogenic pulmonary edema. It is given all the time with very few significant side effects. It helps the radiologist's give more accurate interpretations.
About 1:1000 are allergic to it, otherwise there is no side effect.