“What causes conjunctivitis of the eye?”
I am a 22 year old male. I was diagnosed with conjunctivitis. What causes conjunctivitis of the eye?
7 Answers
Conjunctivitis can be bacterial, viral, or allergic. Treatment will depend on the etiology of the conjunctivitis.
Hello. There are many types of conjunctivitis. The word conjunctivitis means inflamed or red conjunctiva. The causes can be broken down into types: Infectious, allergic, auto-immune, traumatic. Most likely at your age, it us either infection or allergy, if no recent trauma or injury. If yoy have itching, most likely it is allergic, which is treated with drops that are like Claritin for the eye,, available over the counter such as Zaditor. If lots of watering and pain, likely viral, just use artificial tear drops and wash your hands, its very contagious. If sticky discharge, likely bacterial, in which case you need antibiotics. Hope that helps. It is usually not a serious problem, not likely to damage your vision permanently.
Conjunctivitis is a general term for an eye infection and can be allergic, viral, or bacterial in origin. Allergic conjunctivitis is acute or chronic in nature and related to environmental factors. Viral usually follows a cold or flu and can last 1 week to 1 month in severe cases; and, bacterial is the most severe in presentation and is usually associated with pain, swelling and copious discharge from the eye.
Conjunctivitis is a general term for an eye infection and can be allergic, viral, or bacterial in origin. Allergic conjunctivitis is acute or chronic in nature and related to environmental factors. Viral usually follows a cold or flu and can last 1 week to 1 month in severe cases; and, bacterial is the most severe in presentation and is usually associated with pain, swelling and copious discharge from the eye.