Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

What causes pain in your hip and down your leg?

I am a 40 year old female. I have pain in my hip and down my leg. What causes pain in your hip and down your leg?

10 Answers

Usually the hip pain is from the lumbo-sacral and SI Joints Subluxation, along with the possibility of a bulging disc.
First of all, we need to establish what you mean by "hips"! Your "true" hips are on the lateral/outside of your lower back area (not on your "backside"! If you are pointing to the left and/or right of your sacrum (AKA "tailbone") then those are your sacroiliac joint(s). And pain(s) originating from there and continuing down (especially the rear of your leg) Usually signifies a "pinching" or pressure on one or more of the lower lumbar spinal nerve roots, that contribute (come together) to form the sciatic nerve. The Sciatic nerve is the longest and thickest nerve in the body, and originates from spinal nerve roots L4, L5 as well as multiple contribution from the cauda equina (multiple hair-like nerves) off of the sacrum. The sciatic nerve runs the full length of the leg to the sole of the foot, therefore pressure on these nerve roots (due to spinal joint mis-alignment can cause a numbing/tingling /electrical pain that some feel in the buttocks down, some feel it from the foot up, some feel a dull ache behind the knee, and/or some feel all three. Each manifestation is still referred to as Sciatica!
Usually a nerve. You should consult with a professional.

Typically, it is a pinched nerve. It may be sciatica, but without a complete consultation, examination, X-rays and possible MRI it is hard to determine. I would consult with a chiropractor near you to determine how treatment can best help you.


Dr. Duchon
There could be a number of causes for pain in your hip or leg. If you are having these symptoms, you should get it checked by a health care professional that will take an extensive history and do a thorough examination.
It’s likely due to a pinched nerve in your lower back and/or pelvis area. Go to the chiropractor if you’re able. Otherwise search ‘lower back workout with Dr. Eric Goodman’ on YouTube for a great back exercise to help heal the sciatica. This will take you doing the exercise daily, likely for a few weeks.
Many things can cause pain in your hips and down into your leg (i.e. sciatica, lumbar disc derangement). A thorough exam by a licensed chiropractor will give your best answer.
This can be caused from a few different things. Most likely this is caused from hypermobility and dysfunction of the sacroiliac joints. This may also be from a lumbar disc that is putting pressure on the nerves. The other most likely option is that the piriformis muscle is putting pressure on the nerves that control the leg. I recommend going to a Chiropractor to assess which is the correct scenario for you.
Several causes:
A piriformis muscle can be tight or spastic and put pressure on the sciatic nerve that runs down your leg.
Lower vertebra in the lumbar spine (low back) can subluxate ( be one out of its normal alignment ) and this can result in sciatica pain running down the leg.
Disc may bulge or even herniate which is similar to a knot on a bicycle tire. This can case pressure on the lumbar spinal nerve root(s) that can result in leg pain
Caution!! If you have sciatica and you begin to lose urine or bowel control, or your leg “gives away” when going down stairs, this could be a serious sign. Get to your doctor quickly!