“What does a watery discharge mean?”
For the past 3 days, my discharge has been extremely watery. There is also a slight odor from this discharge and I am extremely worried that this could be the sign of an infection. What is this?
14 Answers
It is most likely an infection til proven otherwise per your complaints and history. You may want to see your Dr. to evaluate you.

Curtis G. Graham
OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist)
Excessive watery discharge may mean a vaginal infection caused by an organism called trichomonas. It's easily diagnosed by a wet smear of your discharge at the doctor's office, where one can see an army of them swimming around. It commonly is contracted sexually. If you use the usual medication to cure it (flagyl), you will have to abstain from intercourse for 10 days. The reason is that your sex partner will give the infection right back to you again and again and again -- until he is treated also.
Dr. Graham
Dr. Graham
Hi, I am sorry you have a gynecological concern. You may be right - you may have an infection called bacterial vaginosis. Please see a physician for proper diagnosis and therapy.
It can be an infection or it can be normal changes of the body. I advise that you see a gynecologist to evaluate the discharge and possibly do cultures.
This could be ovulation from cervical mucus thinning around ovulation or an infection from bacterial vaginosis.
Watery discharge may have many etiologies such as a retained tampon, a bacterial infection, cervicitis, vaginal contamination from intercourse, etc. See your doctor for evaluation and possible cultures and a treatment plan ranging from douching to intravaginal and/or oral medication.
Rob Muller
Rob Muller
Yes, it's possible you have a vaginitis. You should see your GYN and have some cultures done to relieve your worries.
Hi there!
How old are you? What color is the discharge? Are you having any irritation?
Watery discharge can be normal depending where you are in your cycle and certain medications.
How old are you? What color is the discharge? Are you having any irritation?
Watery discharge can be normal depending where you are in your cycle and certain medications.
I could be bacterial vaginosis - try boric acid vaginal suppositories from amazon. They are over the counter and they can help your vaginal health - if not better definitely see your friendly GYN doc