“What does a urinalysis for kids examine?”
I have to bring my daughter's urine to the lab after the pediatrician noticed how dark it was in her last check-up. What would a urinalysis test for in her urine?
4 Answers
Yes, the fact that her urine was dark, your dr. wants to rule out blood in the urine.
Urinalysis is a test of your urine. It can detect UTI, Kidney disease, diabetes. Urine culture can detect and identifies specific bacteria and yeast that may be causing the UTI. A urine dipstick may be the only test healthy women with typical UTI symptoms need. The urine is examined under microscope for bacteria or white blood cells which are signs of infection. Thank you.
Urinalysis is a test of your urine. It can detect UTI, Kidney disease, diabetes. Urine culture can detect and identifies specific bacteria and yeast that may be causing the UTI. A urine dipstick may be the only test healthy women with typical UTI symptoms need. The urine is examined under microscope for bacteria or white blood cells which are signs of infection. Thank you.
Blood, infections, protein, sugar, specific gravity, ph. Pretty much the same they would in an adult.
RB Thomas,MD
RB Thomas,MD
Dark urine possibilities are blood or bile pigments in urine. Urinalysis will confirm it's presence. At times certain medications also shows dark urine.
Sandra L. Aponte
A urinalysis in a child is usually requested if the doctor suspects an infection or a kidney problem. Sometimes a routine urinalysis before joining a sports team. The urinalysis looks for blood cells and bacteria. If it's negative, there's nothing wrong.
I hope this helps.
I hope this helps.