Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

What foods should you avoid if you have bursitis?

I am a 38 year old male. I want to know what foods should you avoid if you have bursitis?

4 Answers

I am not aware of any restrictions on food for treatment of bursitis
Bursitis is an inflammation of tendons or more specifically the covering of tendons in the body. There is no conclusive scientific evidence that any foods increase bursitis. However, gout is an inflammation of certain joints of the body. There are foods that can increase the chance a gout inflammation attack.

Certain foods such as red wine, chocolate and red meat can increase the chance of having a gout attack. I would suggest to you that you would void those things just to see if it makes any difference in your bursitis. A trial of one month should be sufficient.
Hope it helps!!

Dr. Bose
If you have bursitis due excessive activities, food does not affect your condition. If you have an inflammation of your joint due to gout, you should avoid red meat, cheese, shellfish, beer, or red wine.
Sorry but I have no medical knowledge concerning this. Most bursitis is due to mechanical friction as a result of direct contact or repetitive use. However if one assumes that all tissue inflammation is due to some increase in free radicals then foods high on omega3 fatty acids such as fish, grains, olives may be helpful. Sorry but like you there is no verifying information about this. Good question. Just need research.