Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

What happens if anxiety is left untreated?

I am a 22 year old female and I have anxiety. What happens if anxiety is left untreated?

13 Answers

Untreated anxiety can increase your risk of more severe, even life-threatening conditions to include a possible harm to others or yourself depending on the cause
Typically anxiety gets worse when it is left untreated and it can also cause other problems such as depression or sleep issues. The good news is that anxiety is very treatable! I'm not sure whether you've tried talk therapy in the past and what your experiences have been. Cognitive behavioral therapy is the best treatment for anxiety. If you search on psychology you can look for a therapist and it's an excellent resource! You can search by area code and filter by insurance, type of disorder (such as "anxiety"), insurance, male/female therapist, type of treatment such as "CBT", etc. and it will show you the pictures and blurbs from each therapist.
When avoidance or resistance are used as a way to cope with anxiety, or left untreated, the intensity of the anxiety can increase. Confronting fears, at times can teach us how strong we are and how we can overcome. Tools learned in therapy can assist in decreasing and/or eliminate the anxiety by learning how to recognize and challenge thought processes that can at times influence the onset of anxiety.

Thank you for your question. Untreated anxiety can lead to physical, emotional, and social consequences that impact a person's entire daily life. Physical consequences include central nervous system impairment that cause the brain to release stress hormones on a regular basis that can increase the frequency of headaches, dizziness, rapid heart rate, palpitations,
chest pain, high blood pressure, heart disease or coronary events, weight gain, immune system deficiencies, higher cholesterol, and diabetes. Emotional consequences include higher chances of having depression, dementia, cognitive decline, and insomnia. Social consequences include not being able to go to work or school, and general difficulty with relationships. I would recommend that you seek treatment from a mental health professional to help relieve anxiety.
I hope this has been helpful!


Jenna Torres, PsyD
You feel lousy.
Many cases of anxiety can be treated with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Consult your medical professional on what treatment plan is best for you. Don’t suffer! Untreated anxiety often results in:

-Current anxiety becoming more severe and unmanageable

-Self-medicating symptoms with drug/alcohol abuse resulting in addiction

-Development of other mental health issues such as depression

-Isolation, social avoidance

-Shame, guilt, self-loathing

-Development of physical health problems

Cassandra S. Cooper, L.P.C., M.H.S.P.
If anxiety is left untreated it can have lasting effects. It can effect you both psychically and emotional. It can effect your work, social and family relationships.
Anxiety presents differently in all individuals so it really could be different. It could go away on its own, be something you learn to manage on your own or become debilitating. I am not sure how you feel about your anxiety level now and the level it unpairs your life. I think when it starts to have a large impact on your life you should try and figure out resources or help to manage it better.

Hello and thank you for your question,

Anxiety is associated with many physical ailments like IBS and migraine headaches; however, it has not been determined to cause these issues. There is no known health condition caused by anxiety, but anxiety can lead to feelings of depression. Some physicians have found that irregular heart beats are associated with anxiety, but again causation is different. Left untreated anxiety may cause no further issues but it is associated with several issues.

Thank you,

Patricia Harris | MA, LPC

San Antonio Counseling and Behavioral Center
4201 Medical Dr., Ste. 330
San Antonio, TX 78229
Phone: (210) 614-4990 | Fax: (210) 614-4991

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It changes your perspective about how you want to be seen by others, inhibits your appropriate motivation to get things done, and gets you frustrated when you can’t project your image to others when trying to reach your desired your desires.

Jerald Cilente, PhD LCADC, ABMPP
The same feelings will keep coming back. Please seek treatment, it will be life changing to feel different.
It can worsen, remain the same or go away (if the anxiety is secondary to something going wrong in your life). Seeing a psychiatrist could help you.
Anxiety can be managed and most people experience it at some point in their lives. However if left unchecked each time an episode of anxiety occurs it will build in the previous emotional experience. To manage anxiety it's important to determine what is triggering the emotion, what thoughts are feeding the emotion and whether the anxious response is negatively affecting other parts of your life. Meeting with a counselor is helpful to sort out anxiety especially if it is causing distress. In counseling you can gain insight and learn coping skills to help you return to a manageable emotional state. (I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker not a doctor-contact me further through my website: