“What problems can scoliosis cause?”
I am a 24 year old male and I have scoliosis. What problems can scoliosis cause?
18 Answers
Scoliosis can contribute to nerve irritation at any level of the spine and therefore affect any nerve and therefore create almost any symptom either musculo/skeletal like pain or visceral like digestive issues.
Scoliosis can cause a wide-variety of degenerative arthritic problems, aka degenerative joint diesase, because the instantaneous axis of rotation has been shifted biomechanically in the spinal segement. What this means is that the part of the vertebra through which the load-bearing force rotates axially has shifted from its normal position, so it puts forces on the three joints of each spinal segment differently than they were designed to handle.
More often than not, facet syndrome, is one of the most common problems that accompanies scoliosis. Facet syndrome is a condition where the synovial joints, or joints with synovial fluid in them, are injured due to the abnormal or aberrant force placed on them, and eventually it breaks down the cartilage and causing osteoarthritis, or what most people would just call arthritis.
I would get into a competent Chiropractic Orthopedist, or Spinal Specialist to assess the any secondary problems with your spine. That way you can stay on top of it, before too much degeneration sets in.
More often than not, facet syndrome, is one of the most common problems that accompanies scoliosis. Facet syndrome is a condition where the synovial joints, or joints with synovial fluid in them, are injured due to the abnormal or aberrant force placed on them, and eventually it breaks down the cartilage and causing osteoarthritis, or what most people would just call arthritis.
I would get into a competent Chiropractic Orthopedist, or Spinal Specialist to assess the any secondary problems with your spine. That way you can stay on top of it, before too much degeneration sets in.
Scoliosis can cause pain, poor posture, muscle imbalances, neurological impairments, disfigurement. It can put discs at risk for bulging or rupturing. It can degenerate over time and cause osteoarthritis.
The most common complications associated with scoliosis are poor posture, loss of height, muscle imbalances, and pain. If scoliosis is severe enough, it can also put stress on the internal organs. The only way to know the severity of scoliosis is with a diagnostic x-ray.
Depending on how extensive it is. A chiropractor can evaluate and measure the extent of the angle. At your age, there is little chance a brace may be of use. The best thing to do is to be evaluated by a trained professional for an accurate evaluation.
Scoliosis that is severe can lead to heart and lung problems if it continues to progress. At the age of 24 your spine is likely stable and not growing so we would not expect to see those changes. It tends to lead to degenerative changes with aging.
Thank you for your question,
Scoliosis can cause uneven use of the body leading to dysfunctions in joints and muscles over time. Simply stated it can cause pain where the joints and muscles are not working properly and in tandem. Thankfully, chiropractors are well trained in improving the imbalance in muscles and joints by first improving their movement and then working with you to stretch and strengthen the appropriate muscles.
Hope this helps!
Dr. Demers
Scoliosis can cause uneven use of the body leading to dysfunctions in joints and muscles over time. Simply stated it can cause pain where the joints and muscles are not working properly and in tandem. Thankfully, chiropractors are well trained in improving the imbalance in muscles and joints by first improving their movement and then working with you to stretch and strengthen the appropriate muscles.
Hope this helps!
Dr. Demers
It depends how severe the scoliosis is. If it is minor, it can cause back pain and or stiffness. If it is severe it can cause breathing problems or problems with internal organs.
Scoliosis is an anterior to posterior spinal pathology that involves an increase of lateral bending and rotation. This causes additional, abnormal stress on the spine, nerves, bones and joints. This continued, increased loading contributes to accelerated spine arthritis, nerve pressure, degenerative disc and degenerative joint disease. This leads to increased somatic and autonomic neurological dysfunction. When you examine your lumbar spine and its associated somatic and autonomic nerve dysfunction it affects the following muscle areas: hip muscles, quads, hamstrings, lower back stabilizer muscles, QL, calves. Your lower extremity muscles. Organ/glandular systems; large and small intestines, bladder, reproductive systems. So to answer your questions, establishing a baseline of your scoliosis through x-ray biomechanical analysis and then providing a treatment plan to improve the muscle, nerve, structure and internal soft tissue (discs, ligaments, tendons, etc.) is vital to improve your future quality of life outcomes.
Scoliosis can cause a variety of problems with varying degrees of severity depending upon how severe the curvature. Scoliosis ultimately results in early onset of degenerative arthritis. It will also result in dysfunctional movement of the spine. In extreme situations it can cause compromise of internal organs like the heart and lungs. I recommend you get a full evaluation to determine the severity of the scoliosis to determine the appropriate treatment plan.
Steve Lipschutz, DC, CCSP
Steve Lipschutz, DC, CCSP
Scoliosis can lead to constant back pain in the future. Exercise and chiropractic care can help your scoliosis from getting worse as you get older.
Neck pain, headaches, shoulder, arm, or hand pain, numbness, tingling. Mid-back pain, chest pains, heartburn, rib cage pain, shoulder blade pain. Low back pain, groin pain, hip pain buttocks pain, pain down the legs, feet and toes, along with numbness in the legs, digestive problems, sexual problems, reproductive problems, circulation problems, and foot problems.
Many, especially as you get older, primary danger is compression of the lungs and heart. But because of the spinal imbalance of scoliosis there are extra strains on the muscles and joints. So lifelong bodywork is probably necessary. I encourage you to see a chiropractor that does muscles work as well as adjusting the spine.
Scoliosis can cause muscular imbalances and pain. Over time, these factors can have a negative impact on the organs, especially heart and lungs.
It depends on the severity and direction of the scoliosis. At a minimum, you're looking at early onset arthritis. This process can be slowed by visiting your chiropractor on a regular bases. A severe right scoliosis can put pressure on the heart, causing heart problems. There is also a correlation between a right scoliosis and an Arnold-Chiari malformation. This is when a part of the brain is pushed down through the skull, which could result in pressure on the brainstem. The brainstem controls many of the unconscious processes of your body (breathing, heart rate, etc.)