“Which diet is best for losing weight?”
I'm 25 and my doctor has told me that I'm overweight. I want to try and lose some of my pounds in a healthy way. Which diet is best for losing weight?
4 Answers
Mediterranean and plant-based diets are the most effective for weight loss. We have a customized weight loss coaching program at our clinic that may help you lose weight and stay on track. Please click here to learn more: https://www.sageintegrativehealth.com/weight-loss/
No diet is effective for long-term weight loss. Being overweight via BMI is not necessarily the end all be all. I would be happy to chat about ways to adjust your eating habits to promote health. Attunednutrition.us
None. Diets tend to be trendy, temporary and hard to stick to. If you want to reduce weight and keep it off you need to change your eating habits and lifestyle. Here are a five tips: 1) drink only pure water (avoid soda, diet soda and all fruit juices or fruit beverages). Drink at least one-half of your body weight in ounces of water each day. 2) Eat slower. Put your fork or spoon down between bites. Be aware of the environment you're eating. Avoid eating while working, watching TV or driving. This causes mindless eating wherein you've consumed a lot of food without realizing it. 3) Reduce portion sizes. Use a salad plate instead of a dinner size plate. 4) Avoid processed foods, which include ALL deli meats. Read the Nutrition Fact Labels to see what you're actually consuming. You'd be surprised what food manufacturers are adding to food products. 5) Eat more whole/holistic foods, mostly fresh vegetables. Corn and green peas are NOT vegetables - they are grains.
The healthiest diet you are willing to eat on a daily basis is always the best one. Try rearranging your food to mimic this: Fruit for breakfast followed by nuts and seeds an hour or two later. Then carbohydrates (rice, potatoes, or beans) with veggies drizzled with first cold pressed olive oil or cold pressed coconut oil after plating it. Then protein and veggies for dinner. Add fresh vegetable juicing once a day as a snack or an hour before bed (cabbage, spinach, kale apple and pear). You can get creative with that vegetable juice as you get comfortable with it.