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I have bad stomach acid problems after second COVID vaccine Pfizer?

Hello, me and my wife both got Covid before they started rolling out the vaccine. We then both got vaccinated and after the second jab, we started to both develop bad indigestion...

What are the biggest challenges about being a Nurse during the pandemics?

Hi, sorry if this question has been asked before, I am interested in knowing how the pandemics impacted Nurses. What are the biggest challenges you have experienced?

i'm spitting up blood (not coughing) w' a possible inflamed respiratory system (a result of the covid vax itself, not anything else)?

I just noticed I'm spitting up pinkish spit with foam (nothing else) and I know that that's a result of the covid vax, which I did not consent to. It was done unknowingly by...

How accurate is my HIV fourth generation test?

My last encounter was 08/20/21 and I tested 09/19/21. Is that enough time to test positive?

Can you get covid antibodies by blood transfusion?

Hello, I am a 78 years old male, not vaccinated. My daughter recovered from Covid-19 and has the same blood type as mine. Is it possible to have a minor transfusion from her...

How can I prevent getting infected with COVID 19?

I am afraid of COVID 19 infection. How can I prevent getting infected with COVID 19?

Do I have a parasite?

What do I have to say for a doctor to take me seriously about having worms in me?

The AstraZeneca vaccine?

I received two AstraZeneca shots. I now understand that is not recognized in some countries. Should I get a booster or another set of shots?

How can I treat my dog for lice at home?

My dog has lice. How can I treat my dog for lice at home?

Can pneumonia be diagnosed with an X-ray?

I have a COVID infection and I think I have pneumonia too. Can pneumonia be diagnosed with an X-ray?

is it okay to take a Maxalt Wafer?

Hi, I woke up yesterday with a headache and then got my second shot of Covid yesterday morning. had up to 6 nurofen yesterday, 2 morning, 2 lunch, and 2 in the evening. . . ....

AstraZeneca Vaccine?

I am an American citizen currently in Hanoi, Vietnam. The Vietnam government is in the process of vaccinating everyone in Hanoi. I believe (not 100%) we are getting the AstraZeneca...

COVID-19 weird symptoms?

I recently received a positive test for covid-19. I’ve had all the usual symptoms. One weird symptom I've been having for the past week is blood in my mucus i keep coughing up....

When should I go to the emergency room for COVID?

I have COVID and feel bad. When should I go to the emergency room for COVID?

Pfizer vaccination?

Can I have the Pfizer vaccination if I have a tooth abscess and generally feel unwell?

Medications for covid?

I’ve been taking HCQ for a couple of months and I’m having CoVid symptoms: very bad headache and nausea. Can I take Ivermectin too?

Pfizer vaccine?

I’m allergic to NSAIDS. Last time I took Celebrex I ended up with large welts. Can I get the Pfizer vaccine?


Can an adult who has NF 1 receive the COVID injections?

COVID and hiccups?

My husband has COVID and he keeps getting hiccups. What can stop the hiccups and also what is causing him to have the hiccups?


Currently, I am 17 years old, 7 stones, and been diagnosed with covid-19. The main thing is me feeling sick 24/7. I cannot eat since i feel sick all the time, I cannot stand...

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