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Do light periods indicate pregnancy?

I know this question sounds strange, but I heard that it's possible to have a very light period in the beginning of your pregnancy. Is it possible, if your period is abnormally...

Get my tubes untied?

I've missed my period for 1 or 2 months. Should I have my tubes untied?

Why do fallopian tubes swell?

I had an exam with my OB-GYN and she told me that my fallopian tubes are swollen. She prescribed a medication I can take for now, but I still don't understand how my fallopian...

Do abdominal ultrasounds expose my baby to radiation?

My OBGYN wants to do an abdominal ultrasound with me, and she says that it's completely normal. I'm just worried about any radiation. How safe is it to have an abdominal ultrasound...

How successful is in vitro fertilization?

My wife and I are considering in vitro, but I definitely don't want to go through with it if there is a significant rate of failure. What are the success rates on in vitro fertilization?...

Is pregnancy safe for women with heart issues?

I had a serious heart arrhythmia treated several years ago, and I want to know if this puts me or my baby in danger if I ever get pregnant. Is pregnancy safe for women with previous...

How much weight gain is normal during pregnancy?

I've really been craving brie cheese and other things (usually fried) that I know are really fattening. I understand that I'm eating for two and I'm bound to gain weight. But...

Are there natural forms of birth control?

I'd rather not take birth control pills because of their side effects. Are there natural forms of birth control that I can use instead?

What causes periods to arrive early?

My periods are usually very regular, but this month my period came a week early. What causes periods to arrive early?

What causes discharge around the clitoris?

This is something that has happened to me for a while, and it comes and goes. What causes discharge around the clitoris? Does it mean anything?

Do ultrasounds identify all fibroids?

I was having symptoms of fibroids and my doctor gave me an ultrasound, but the ultrasound didn't find anything wrong. Do ultrasounds identify all fibroids, even if they're small?...

Is lower back pain a sign of pregnancy?

I've missed two periods now, and I have lower back pain. Is having lower back pain one of the early signs that a woman might be pregnant, along with missed period?

Is sudden heavy menstrual flow a sign that something is wrong?

I've never had a heavy flow before, but these past few periods, I've been experiencing a heavy flow alongside painful cramps while on my period (first 4 days). Does this mean...

How can I avoid having unplanned pregnancies?

I'm 24 years old and I'm on the pill. I also always use condoms. Is there anything else that I should be doing to avoid unplanned pregnancies?

Is the Depo shot more effective than the pill?

I'm 29 years old, and I'm considering getting the Depo-Provera shot instead of taking the birth control pill I'm currently on. Is this a more effective form of birth control?...

Do ovarian cysts cause any odors?

I'm worried that I have an ovarian cyst because of some symptoms that I've been having. I plan on getting it checked out by a doctor. Now, there's a weird odor coming from my...

By what age should one start their period?

My daughter is 14 and she still hasn't had her first period. By what age should one start their period?

What are the symptoms of an enlarged ovary?

I was told after a recent scan by my ob-gyn that one of my ovaries is enlarged. How exactly would you know if you have an enlarged ovary? I don't recall any symptoms.

Can you get your period while pregnant?

I'm in my second trimester and I was spotting a little bit this morning. Is it possible for a woman to get her period while she is pregnant? Should I see a doctor?

Is vaginal discharge a sign of an infection?

I noticed that I had vaginal discharge that was egg-shell white and sticky. I never noticed this discharge before. Is this a sign of an infection?

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