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What are the techniques of behavior therapy?

I believe my 13 year old son needs behavioral therapy for repetitive behaviors. I want to know what are the techniques of behavior therapy?

What is a common surgery for cerebral palsy?

My son is 5 years old and he has cerebral palsy. What is a common surgery for cerebral palsy?

How can I stop neuropathic pain?

I am a 15 year old female. I want to know how can I stop neuropathic pain?

Are headaches a neurological disorder?

My 14 year old son often has headaches. I want to know if headaches are a neurological disorder? Could this be part of growing pains?

What causes sleep paralysis?

My 13 year old son started having sleep paralysis and it's terrifying. He sees a shadow standing over his bed and can't move.

Why is my son afraid of the dark?

My 9 year old son is scared of the dark and won't sleep without a night light. Why is my son afraid of the dark?

Why does my daughter hit her head when she can't say something?

My 4 year old daughter has self-harm behaviors when she can't express herself correctly. What does this mean?

How do kids feel safe going to school after everything?

I am a 34 year old male. I want to know how do kids feel safe going to school after everything? My children keep having nightmares about getting sick.

Can a brain tumor cause strange behavior?

My 15 year old son was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor that will be removed. Can a brain tumor cause strange behavior?

Why does my 2 year old son slap himself when angry?

My son is 2 years old. He slaps himself and cries when he gets something wrong.

How does borderline personality disorder present in children?

My 11 year old son has severe mood swings and tantrums. How does borderline personality disorder present in children?

Will children lose social skills through remote learning?

My 13 year old daughter is doing remote learning now. Will children lose social skills through remote learning?

What causes daytime wetting in an 11 year old?

My son is 11 years old and is having daytime wetting. What causes daytime wetting in an 11 year old?

Is the blinking of eyes a reflex action?

My 10 year old son blinks very often. Could that be from stress? I want to know if the blinking of eyes is a reflex action?

Can head trauma permanently affect a child's development?

My baby rolled off the couch at 6 months old and hurt her head a bit. Can head trauma permanently affect a child's development?

Can Covid-19 cause headaches and irritability in 5 year olds?

My 5 year old son has been complaining of head pain and has been acting irritable. Can Covid-19 cause headaches and irritability in 5 year olds?

How to help a child having trouble sleeping because of all the changes?

My 8 year old is having trouble sleeping with everything going on right now. How do I help him?

At what age is an autism diagnosis confirmed?

I believe my 2 year old son has autism but my son's pediatrician says it is too early.

How do you fix lingual nerve damage?

My teenage son has lingual nerve damage. I want to know how do you fix lingual nerve damage?

Can a CT scan be harmful to an unborn child?

I am a 29 year old female. I want to know if a CT scan can be harmful to an unborn child?

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