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Are snoring and sleep apnea the same thing?

I know I snore pretty loud, but is this the same as sleep apnea? Should I have it treated or is snoring perfectly healthy? I'm not overweight, and I'm in my late 30s.

Why can't I fall asleep at night?

I'm a 24-year-old, male, and I cannot sleep at night. This has been happening for 2 straight weeks. I've tried some over-the-counter remedies in the past (mainly melatonin),...

What causes restless leg syndrome?

My legs are basically always bouncing or twitching, and sometimes it feels like spasms. Can it be restless leg syndrome? What causes restless leg syndrome?

What makes people snore?

I'm only 27, and I have a snoring problem. My girlfriend pointed out to me a few weeks ago. I'm not sure why it's happening. I'm not really overweight or anything. What usually...

Is there a smaller, better version of the CPAP?

Is there a smaller, better version of the CPAP? I don’t like the big bulky one and never use it.

Can a different pillow solve my snoring issue?

I'm 40, and I have always had an issue with snoring. I've tried most things, except for using a wedge-shaped pillow. Can a different pillow solve my snoring issue?

Does drinking warm milk before bed help insomnia?

My friend used to drink warm milk before bed and slept throughout the night. I have insomnia. Does drinking warm milk before bed help insomnia?

Is Xanax addictive?

I'm 40, and my doctor gave me Xanax to help me sleep, mainly because my lack of sleep is due to anxiety. But isn't Xanax addictive? Should I suggest other options?

Can sleep problems be corrected through therapy?

I have really bad sleep problems, mainly insomnia. It's hard for me to go to sleep at night. Can this be corrected through therapy?

What can I do to help me sleep?

I'm a 50 year old woman and I suddenly developed trouble sleeping. What can I do? Should I see a doctor? I'm wondering also, if this could be from the onset of menopause?

Will I ever get rid of sleep apnea?

I have lost a lot of weight and I have gone from stopping breathing 40 times an hour to 17 times, do I still have to wear my mask?

What's the treatment like for narcolepsy?

My son's school called to tell me that he has been falling asleep, frequently in class. After talking to them, and observing his behavior at home, I feel like he has narcolepsy....

When should I use a sleep medicine?

I'm 32 years old, and just this month alone I had three or four nights with zero sleep. Is it safe to use sleep aids to help me? What determines if I need a prescription from...

Sleep apnea and treatment. Any suggestions?

I have very severe sleep apnea, 90-95 apneas per hour. I cannot tolerate a CPAP. I am concerned, I may not wake up in the morning. I was interested in Inspire Therapy but there...

What happens when my CPAP mask is too large?

I was diagnosed with sleep apnea a while ago, and need to use a CPAP machine while I sleep. But the mask that I have is a little too large for my mouth. What should I be doing...

Does insomnia affect my child's schooling?

I think my daughter has insomnia. She stays up all night and takes naps throughout the day when she's home. I haven't heard anything from her school about her falling asleep...

How is sleep apnea diagnosed in children?

My daughter has been snoring so loudly and sometimes I can hear her choke throughout the night. I think it could be sleep apnea, since I recognize the symptoms from my father....

I think my child has night terrors. What should I do?

My child has been waking up rather suddenly throughout the night, sometimes screaming. When I ask what happened, she doesn't remember what had woke her up. I don't think these...

Can an internist also specialise in other medical areas, such as endocrinology or nephrology?

Are there any internists that have a specific specialization? I always thought their range of practice was pretty general.

Why does my son feel so tired?

Lately, my son has been having issues of fatigue throughout the day. I generally sleep okay at night, so there's really no reason on why this is happening to me. Is there reason...

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