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How can I strengthen my heart?

My doctor told me that my heart is too weak for my age, and I'm 40 years old. I want to try and make it stronger. Are there ways that can help me do this?

Is there a treatment for a calcified carotid artery?

My grandmother is 70 and doctors told her she has a calcified carotid artery. Is there a treatment for a calcified carotid artery?

Could my chest pains be signs of a heart attack?

I had piercing chest that would last about 10 or more minutes, mainly in the morning. It's been going on for about two days. Could this be a sign of a heart attack?

I don’t know what’s going on. Should I be worried?

I have had nausea and loss of appetite for about 3 days. The nausea is constant and has not subsided even when taking a zophran or gas x. The passing of bowel movements doesn't...

CBD and motility? Does it help?

I’ve had Parkinson’s for five years. I now have a motility problem. My esophagus has been stretched and Botox has been injected. My food stays in my esophagus until the next...

What should I do about my frequent heartburn?

I feel like I have heartburn constantly, and I'm only 30 years old. My heartburn is worst at night before I go to bed. What can I do for this?

What do heart spasms feel like?

I'm 37 years old, male, with no previous heart issues, but my family has a history of heart disease (paternal side). Over the last year, I noticed that I have a spasming/convusling...

Does fish oil help with cholesterol?

My doctor said that my triglycerides/cholesterol are high, and he thinks that I should start taking fish oil supplements. Will this really help?

Do I have varicose veins?

I'm 45 years old and have noticed that some of the veins on my legs have become darker than they used to be. Do I have varicose veins?

What foods should I eat to lose weight quick?

I am 30 years old and male. I'm getting married in a month and I'm just really overweight. Are there any foods that I can eat that'll help me lose weight quick?

Why do I have facial hair if I'm a woman?

I'm 27 years old, and I have had issues with facial hair all my life. Mainly above my upper lip and on my chin. Why could this be happening? I also have been diagnosed with...

What causes males to have blood in urine?

I'm a 20 year old male, and this morning, I found blood in my urine. I have been experiencing abdominal pain since yesterday, but I didn't think too much about it. What could...

Is the Juul just as addictive as cigarettes?

I found out that my daughter uses a Juul (e-cigarette) and thinks that it's a "cool" thing to use. But i'm trying to tell her that these e-cigarettes are just as bad as cigarettes....

Can hyperthyroidism hair loss be reversed?

I'm 25, and I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism a few months ago. Before I was being treated for my hyperthyroidism, I started losing my hair. Can hair loss from hyperthyroidism...

What diets can help congenital kidney disease?

I'm 32, and I'm trying to understand what I can and cannot eat with congenital kidney disease. Do you know any diets that can help me manage my condition better?

What is prostatitis?

My husband is 55 years old, and he was recently diagnosed with prostatis from a bacterial infection. What exactly is prostatis? He's on antibiotics now, but will it take a while...

Do gallbladder polyps have any symptoms?

I had pain in my side, but this was the only symptom I was experiencing. The doctor said I had gallbladder polyps after some tests. Do gallbladder polyps have any other symptoms?...

What do colonoscopies show my doctor?

I'm 32, and I need to have a colonoscopy next week. Will a colonoscopy show my doctor if I have cancer? What do they look for, usually?

What causes kidney stones?

My friend is 45 years old, and he just had to get several kidney stones removed. What causes kidney stones? What is the best way to prevent this from happening again?

Could the pain in my back be a kidney infection?

I'm 42 years old, and my back started to hurt really bad last week. Since then, I've had an aching feeling in my lower back and recently a high fever. Could the pain in my back...

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