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Is there a cure for gout?

I generally take medication for my gout, but it's made little progress. My doctor says that this isn't a chronic condition, but it feels like my medication (NSAIDs) is just managing...

What is the best way to treat pneumonia symptoms?

My son is 5 years old and was diagnosed with pneumonia. His doctor prescribed him azithromycin to help treat it. Is there anything that I should do, alongside his prescription,...

Who is at risk of getting COPD?

I have a family history of COPD, and I currently smoke. I'm 45 years old, and have been smoking for at least 10 years. Am I at a higher risk of getting COPD? What should I do...

Medication isn't working for hemorrhoids. What should I do?

I have hemorrhoids that hurt pretty badly. Right now I'm treating them with OTC meds, but they do not seem to be working. What else can I do to get rid of them?

Do diabetics need more sleep?

I was diagnosed with diabetes last year and am now 27. I feel very tired a majority of the time, and I'm not really sure why it's happening. Could this be due to my diabetes?...

How would I know if my iron levels are too low?

I'm only 35 years old and I experience a lot of fatigue. I heard that low iron can cause tiredness, but I feel like I have plenty of it in my diet. What tests must be done?

Sleep apnea and treatment. Any suggestions?

I have very severe sleep apnea, 90-95 apneas per hour. I cannot tolerate a CPAP. I am concerned, I may not wake up in the morning. I was interested in Inspire Therapy but there...

What does an EKG look for?

I need to have an EKG because my doctor noticed my irregular breathing and increased heart rate. What do these chest scans look for, usually? And if it finds nothing, would I...

Is it possible to have a small heart attack?

I'm an older man, and a few weeks ago I had chest pain and shortness of breath, and I had to lie down for a while. It passed, but now I'm wondering if it was my heart. You can't...

Does blood pressure rise during exercise?

I'm in good shape for a man my age (55), but recently I was screened and told I had high blood pressure. I had been running before the appointment, though. Couldn't this be the...

What makes one's heart skip a beat?

Why would it be that at night my heart seems to skip a beat or even two beats? Is this possible or am I just imagining it? During the day, I'm okay but at night I get really...

What are the symptoms of a UTI?

How would I know if I had a UTI? Lately it has been painful when I pee. Can it be caused by STDs? How are UTIs treated?

What causes lower back pain?

What causes a dull ache in the lower back? I spend a lot of time on my feet and I get this pain all the time. Do I need to see a doctor? Or will it go on its own?

What causes blood vessels to burst in the eye?

A few days ago I find that there was blood in the white of my eye. Seems like I burst a blood vessel somehow. What could have caused this?

What's causing my hives?

I've been getting hives along my arms, and they have been so itchy. I'm not really sure why. Do you think these hives could be from a food allergy or something similar?

What causes discoloration and itchiness of nails?

What could make a person's fingernails become discolored and itchy? Do I have to see a doctor about this?

How do I gain weight?

I've always been skinny, but since I turned 25, it's out of control and my weight is unhealthy (too low, my doctor says). I've tried everything, protein shakes, fatty foods, weight...

What causes rectal pain?

For several weeks, I had shooting pains in my rectum. They started one morning and they come and go every day. I had hemorrhoids, but they're gone now. What should I do? Is...

Why would some foods cause stomach aches?

It seems like some foods, especially tomato sauce, gives me stomach aches. The pain from these stomach aches can get really intense, but they usually go away after 5-10 minutes....

Why is there sugar in my urine?

In my urinalysis, the doctor found sugar in my urine, which rose a red flag for her and she's sending me to get a blood test done. Why is sugar in urine a bad thing, and what...

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