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Is physical therapy effective?

I'm a 23-year-old athlete and I strained my muscle during my training. Is physical therapy effective for muscle strains?

How can I tell if a cut is infected?

I was working on my car last week when I cut my hand. I was not able to clean the cut for about 3 hours from when it happened. How can I tell if a cut is infected? What are...

What can we do for daughter's turf toe?

My daughter regularly runs on her school track team, but now she has a sports injury known as turf toe. What can we do to treat this? Her doctor only recommended rest and ice....

How can I exercise without harming my heart?

I'm 29 and I would like to go to the gym a lot more often than I do now. I go, maybe, twice a week. How can I exercise without harming my heart?

Is Arnica a safe way to treat a sore back muscle?

I'm 30, and I strained my back while weightlifting. I'm considering taking Arnica to help soothe the pain. Is it safe to use to treat a sore back muscle?

Do physiatrists prescribe meds?

I'm going to have an appointment with a physiatrist soon for a sports injury. Are physiatrists able to prescribe medications?

Should I see a physiatrist for my muscle pain?

I've had severe pain in my upper arms for no apparent reason. I'm not sure if it's because I'm sleeping on them wrong or what, but I need to figure out what I can do for it....

What can I expect from a physiatrist visit?

I'm going to a physiatrist to help with some back pain that I've been experiencing since a sports injury. What should I really expect from my first visit?

Do I have synovitis?

My elbow is swollen and it is the arm that I use when I play baseball. Do I have synovitis?

Will physical therapy help me with my leg pain?

My legs have been hurting me for weeks, for no real reason. I'm not overexerting them in anyway and I pretty much live a sedentary lifestyle. Should I consider physical therapy?...

Why does my whole body ache?

My neck, back, and head hurts all the time, I feel like. I'm only 22 years old, and I don't think I should be having these pains so often. I'm taking ibuprofen for it now. What...

Why does my knee hurt so often?

I'm 23 years old and male. I played soccer for like 10 years or longer. I never had a major injury or anything during the time I played, but now my knee hurts very often. Why...

What can I do with my knee pain?

I'm 30 years old, and I have had really bad knee pain for the past 3 months. I haven't gotten it treated because I felt it wasn't serious. But, what should I do to relieve this...

What should I do with my herniated disc?

I'm 45 years old, female. My MRI results showed that I have a herniated disc, but my doctor says that it's not serious enough for any intervention. It's causing some irritation...

Should I see a physiatrist for my chronic back pain?

I'm 19, and I have chronic back pain after an injury from one of my flag football games. It's been over a few months since the injury. Should I see a physiatrist to help me manage...

Why does my back hurt?

I'm 18 years old, and I have back pain all the time. I know I'm too young to be dealing with this. What can be the cause? Should I visit a doctor?

What can I do about chronic elbow pain?

I'm 35, and I always have pain in my elbow. This has been happening for a month and a half. Is this serious? What can I do about chronic elbow pain?

How can I prevent baseball injuries?

I'm in college ball, and I hope to make this a career because I'm really good. I'm a pitcher. I know that an arm/shoulder injury may really end my dream of playing pro ball....

How does one treat a pulled neck muscle?

My son is 10 years old, and he has had neck pain after his soccer match last week. I think he just pulled a muscle in his neck. How can we treat a pulled neck muscle at home?...

Will a physiatry follow up tell my friend more about his stroke?

My friend is 50 years old, and I heard that physiatrists can help stroke patients significantly. Will a physiatry follow up tell my friend more about his stroke?

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