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Can medications help with an ankle sprain?

I sprained my ankle. Can medications help with an ankle sprain?

What shoes to wear with a toe bunion?

I have a toe bunion. What shoes to wear with a toe bunion?

How long after the ankle sprain can I walk normally?

I sprained my ankle. How long after the ankle sprain can I walk normally?

What can fix a swollen ankle fast?

I have a swollen ankle. What can fix a swollen ankle fast?

How long does a swollen heel take to heal?

My heel is swollen. How long does a swollen heel take to heal?

How long should I ice my heel?

I have heel swelling. How long should I ice my heel?

What are the side effects of a cortisone shot for heel spur?

I have a heel spur. What are the side effects of a cortisone shot for heel spur?

Should I massage a bruised ankle?

I bruised my ankle yesterday. Should I massage a bruised ankle?

Should I walk on a bruised ankle?

I bruised my ankle. Should I walk on a bruised ankle?

I think I broke or sprained my foot

I dropped a candle on it and now it’s taking out. I’m not sure if it’s a bone or swelling.

Can ice help with heel pain?

I have heel pain. Can ice help with heel pain?

What exercises are good for a foot bunion?

I have a foot bunion. What exercises are good for a foot bunion?

Ankle subluxation

I just recovered from an ankle sprain that was done by a dorsiflexion. I do cheer and when I tumble I sometimes feel a pop in my ankle. What’s the possibility it’s a subluxation...

Will I get pan medications after bunion surgery?

I want to fix my bunion with surgery. Will I get pan medications after bunion surgery?

Is the recovery painful from bunion surgery?

I want to fix my bunion. Is the recovery painful from bunion surgery?

How long does it take for an incision to heal after foot surgery?

I will have foot surgery. How long does it take for an incision to heal after foot surgery?

Is the recovery after bunion surgery painful?

I want to fix my foot bunion. Is the recovery after bunion surgery painful?

How long does it take to fix a heel spur?

I have a heel spur. How long does it take to fix a heel spur?

Will an ingrown toenail heal itself?

I have an ingrown toenail. Will an ingrown toenail heal itself?

Foot Swelling

My right foot is swelled / hot and is moving up my leg.

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