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Can sport counseling help me be a better player?

I'm 21 years old and I'm playing baseball for my collage team. There are many challenges that every sports player deals with so I'm wondering if sport counseling can help me become...

What are the best ways to prevent running injuries?

My 15-year old daughter loves running and is one of the best runners in school. Despite that, she's had a couple of big injuries. I'd like to know what are the best ways to prevent...

What kind of doctor should I see for my muscle injury?

I injured my leg while training 2 weeks ago. It still hurts. What kind of doctor should I see for my muscle injury?

Can my repetitive strain injury be treated with arthroscopy?

I am a 31 year old office worker with a repetitive strain injury who just learned about arthroscopy procedures. Could this help?

Can I get my torn cartilage repaired?

I'm 30 years old and I injured my knee playing tennis. An MRI showed macerated lateral mensicus. Can I get my torn cartilage repaired?

Will performance counseling reduce chances of injury?

Sprained ankles used to happen to me all the time while I play hockey, but now they happen when I'm tired. Should I do performance counseling?

Is it safe to do yoga with lumbago?

I have some minor lower back pain or lumbago and I want to do yoga with some friends of mine. Is it safe to do yoga with lumbago?

How can I treat an ankle that hurts?

My left ankle hurts a lot for the last couple of days. I play basketball very often and that might be the reason. How can I treat it without going to the doctor's office?

What are the treatment options for spinal injury?

I'm 30 years old and I fell off from horse and got a spinal injury. What are the treatment options for spinal injury?

Is playing tennis too often causing my elbow pain?

I'm 32, male, and I play tennis 5 times a week. I've been doing this for about a few months, but now my elbow hurts in the evenings. Is playing tennis too often causing my elbow...

Can CBD oil help with muscle strain?

I strained my muscle while working out the other day and I'm looking for a way to treat it without using anything pharmaceutical. I want to try CBD oil. Is it effective for muscle...

What can be the cause of my wrist pain?

I'm going to the gym 3 times a week, and starting from last week, my wrist is starting to hurt almost every day. What could be causing this?

What can I do for son's shoulder pain?

My son fell on his shoulder badly while he was playing his baseball game, and now his shoulder is in a lot of pain. What can I do for this?

Should I see a doctor for my shoulder pain?

I'm 27 and I fell from a handstand, and most of the weight fell onto my shoulder. I can still move my arm, but it's just very painful. Should I see a doctor for my shoulder pain?...

Is tennis elbow a chronic condition?

I play tennis quite frequently and a few months ago, I was diagnosed with tennis elbow. Since then I did exactly what the doctor told me to do, pain relievers and physical therapy,...

Does wrist pain signify some type of nerve injury?

I have experienced random bouts of wrist pain and numbness after a game of tennis. The tennis ball actually hit my hand hard. Is it possible that I damaged a nerve?

What could be causing my muscular pain?

I injured my leg playing soccer over a year ago. I didn't pay much mind to it at the time, but now there's been pain in my calf muscle that hasn't healed. The pain comes particularly...

Are there any stretches I can do to correct shoulder pain?

I'm 25, and I have been experiencing shoulder pain since I started playing on my softball team (I mainly pitch). I think the pain is from the strain I put on my shoulder. Are...

If I sprained my Achilles tendon, will it likely tear in the future?

I think I sprained my Achilles tendon when I was rock climbing yesterday. If it's sprained and I don't treat it the right way, is it likely that it will tear in the future?

Can not stretching before I ran have caused my hip to hurt?

I'm 20 years old and I run a lot for exercise. Yesterday, I didn't stretch before running and now my hip hurts whenever I move my leg. Could not stretching cause my hip pain?...

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