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Why do adults get scoliosis?

I was diagnosed with a moderate form of scoliosis and I'm 37 years old. I always thought scoliosis was a kid's disease, since I remember being checked for it at school. Why do...

Should I go to a chiropractor for a pinched nerve?

I'm 40 years old and I feel like I have a pinched nerve on the back of my shoulder. Do you think I should go to a chiropractor for this?

Is chiropractor treatment good for sciatica?

I want to have chiropractic treatment for my sciatic pain but I'm not sure if it's really effective. Is chiropractor treatment good for sciatica?

Is my lower back pain related to my sciatic nerve?

For the past 3 weeks, I've been experiencing lower back pain. Could this be from my sciatic nerve?

What can I do at home for sciatica pain?

I was diagnosed with sciatica pain by my primary care doctor. He referred me to a chiropractor, but I can't afford to go to one. Is there anything that I can do at home for pain...

Can a chiropractor fix a pinched nerve?

I have a pinched nerve right by the back of my shoulder. Can a chiropractor help me with this?

Would going to a chiropractor help with headaches?

I suffer from headaches 4 days a week, and my friend recommended a chiropractor. Would going to a chiropractor help with headaches?

What is the best way to get my muscles to relax?

I think I strained my neck when working out. How do I get my muscles to relax without taking any medication?

Back pain for two months. What could be the cause?

I'm 40 years old and I have been experiencing back pain for more than 2 months. What could be causing this? I haven't fallen, and I try to exercise at least twice a week.

How do chiropractors help sciatic pain?

I have severe sciatic pain that is along my leg. Normally I would take ibuprofen for it, but it doesn't work. I heard chiropractors can actually help me. How do chiropractors...

Can sciatica pain extend to my leg?

My mom had sciatica pain once she got older, so I recognize me having this pain in my hip. But I also feel some pain in my leg on the same side. Can this leg pain be from sciatica?...

Could my lower back pain and hip pain be caused by my sciatic nerve?

I have lower back and hip pain, and it hurts to sit or stand. The pain is shooting down my right leg. Could it be caused by my sciatic nerve?

Persistent crick in neck, what do I do?

I've had a persistent crick in my neck for over a month now. I've had x-rays and there's nothing abnormal. I've even had a CT scan and nothing is wrong with the tissue. It started...

Tinnitus and chiropractic care? Really?

My recent car accident caused me to get whiplash, and now I have almost a constant ringing in my ears. At first I didn't say anything to my doctor, but now that I have said something,...

Diarrhea after going to the chiropractor?

After my less session with my chiropractor, I started to experience an onset of diarrhea and slight nausea. Could both of these be side effects from chiropractic care?

How well does spinal manipulation work for sciatica?

I can't take my sciatica pain any more. I heard that spinal manipulation may actually help it, while researching online, but I'm not really sure. Is it an effective treatment?...

Can chiropractic care help my diabetic neuropathy?

I've been a type 2 diabetic for years, and I was diagnosed with neuropathy in both of my feet. I heard a chiropractor, who specializes in neurological conditions, can actually...

What can be done for my sciatica?

I have a sharp shooting pain along my thigh, and I think this is my sciatica causing me to have several issues. It hurts so much that I can barely walk some times. I need to...

I'm having pain along my spine. Will a chiropractor help me?

I have a lot of pain along my spine and it's pretty unbearable. I'm not sure why it's happening, and I often try to ease it with a brace and a heating pad. Can a chiropractor...

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