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Laparoscopic surgery scars?

I had a laparoscopic appendectomy in 2019 and now I may have endometriosis exploratory surgery. I was wondering if they would go over the already existing scars from the scopes...

Cancer or BV?

Hello. I recently was diagnosed with Bacterial Vaginosis and was put on antibiotics but it didn’t help. I have pain in the right ovary at times. I have a foul smell and brownish...

Pregnancy chance?

I had sex in Feb and am getting my period. Is it still possible for me to be pregnant?

Am I pregnant?

My period is 23 days late and the 2 tests I've taken were positive but they are very faint. I've been nauseous and tired and having lower back and chest pain. Today I just saw...

Nipple discharge?

I am having clear sticky discharge from one nipple. I haven’t stimulated it. I can’t be pregnant. My mother had breast cancer. So I’m a little concerned. I don’t have health...

Fertility concern?

I have had anorexia since the age of 15 and I’m now 30. I have only had one or two periods at the age of 15 and none since. I was wondering what has happened to my eggs? Are...

Can I get the COVID vaccine during the third trimester?

I am in my third trimester. Can I get the COVID vaccine during the third trimester?

Can I get the COVID booster vaccine during the second trimester?

I am in my second trimester. Can I get the COVID booster vaccine during the second trimester?

Is she pregnant?

Me and my girlfriend had protected sex and after 20 days, she had brown discharge. No morning sickness or other early possible signs of pregnancy. She had been on abnormal menstruation...

Sexual health?

When I had sex with my partner the other night, I started bleeding during sex. This has never happened to me before. Am I doing something wrong and will this happen again when...

Fat stranding?

I had a hysterectomy and then radiotherapy for cervical. I'm having pain in my hips and had a CT scan. They said I had fat stranding due to a hysterectomy. Can you please explain...

Pregnancy test?

I took a home pregnancy test it was positive. So I went and got blood work don’t and my HCG was 34,230 and my progesterone was 7. 8. So my question is what does that mean?

My vag lip swollen with a knot at the top like an ingrown hair?

Last week my other side was swollen now it's by to normal but now the opposite side is swollen but I see no hair. Note I just shaved 3 days ago.

I’m confused about my vagina?

Well, I want to say that I got tested for HIV/herpes in January and it came back negative. Before that I got tested in November in it was also negative. In January after my test,...

Missed periods?

I'm 19 years old, today is my 5th day and my periods didn't start yet.

Cramps or a bigger problem?

I have been getting UTIs on and off for about a month or so. Just this afternoon I started getting waves of side/back pain. It’s like an internal achy pain. It doesn’t feel...

Pregnancy scare?

I'm worried I might be pregnant, and that I'm experiencing implantation bleeding. I am on birth control combination pills, I just began my fourth week (reminder pills) 3 days...

Birth plan?

I am pregnant and want to talk about a birth plan.

Brown discharge?

I don't take any medicines or had a medical background. I was having a moment with my boyfriend but no sexual penetration was involved. The next day, I realized I had brown discharge....

Bleeding after d and c?

I had a d and c for a missed miscarriage on Feb 22, 2022. Cycle 1 was normal came March 24. Cycle 2 was no period for April. Cycle 3 came on May 24 and three weeks one...

Questions by Specialty
