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My son is 16 years old and afraid of his exams. Should I send him to a psychologist?

My son is 16 years old and has many state exams this year. He is however extremely paranoid and scared to take his exams. Should I take him to a psychologist?

I have OCD with an intense fear of sleep. How can I make peace with falling asleep?

What causes fear of sleep in people? I am unable to sleep because I have a weird fear of falling asleep. It has been a long time since I got a peaceful night’s sleep. How can...

is 18 yr old with asd eligible for ssdi?

We were told he always had ADHD. He was on med for several years but it was stopped in 9th grade. Recently came to live with me his grandmother. His father died two years ago,...

I have extreme mood swings.. Could it be due to my thyroid levels?

I am suddenly feeling very tired and fatigued. I am also having severe mood swings which according to me is due to my increased thyroid levels. Could there be a relation between...

Could emotions cause milky nipple discharge?

I am a 36-year-old women, and currently undergoing severe emotional stress. All of a sudden I am noticing a milky discharge from my nipples. Could this be because of my emotional...

Are feelings like depression and jealousy normal or do they need to be treated?

I am undergoing severely negative emotions like jealousy and depression. These feelings are somehow not in my control and crop up naturally. Is it normal or do I need treatment?...

My 14-year-old daughter exhibits extremely moody behavior. Is this normal?

My daughter is 14 years old and is exhibiting extremely moody behavior. She loses her temper and gets angry at smallest of the issues. Is it only a temporary phase or would she...

What could be the reason for my irregular breathing?

When I sleep or whenever I am in deep thoughts, my breathing pattern tends to become irregular. What could be the reason for this? Is this a psychological feeling or does it...

What causes negative thoughts in a person?

There are times when I start thinking in a negative manner for no reason at all. I suddenly turn gloomy and nothing positive seems to come in my mind. Is it only a phase or does...

Does the treatment for depression have to be continuous?

I am being treated for my symptoms of depression. I am planning to take a short vacation with my family and wanted to understand if a break in my depression treatment is fine....

My brother's illness bothers me a lot. I am deprived of sleep. Please help.

My brother is undergoing severe depression and his behavior has become extremely erratic. This has started to bother me immensely. I am unable to sleep at night because of his...

Is biofeedback helpful?

Can biofeedback really be helpful with things like stress control?

What are the side effects of antidepressants?

I have been undergoing a lot of emotional stress since the time I started taking antidepressants to cure my postpartum depression. I am normally a happy person, but now very low...

My brother's illness bothers me a lot. I am sleep deprived and I need some help.

My brother is unwell and dealing with bipolar disorder. Due to his health issue I am losing my sleep and I am extremely troubled. Please advise on how I can deal with this condition...

How can I help my separation anxiety with my baby?

I am a mother of a 2 year old. I have constantly been with my baby since the time she was born. Now that we are considering putting her in a day care and my going back to work...

Is being a bisexual a problem?

I am a 38 year old man and I am now slowly discovering that I have feelings for both men and women. Is it a problem in me or just a normal sexual preference? What should I do?...

What causes my brain to think negatively most of the time?

I am feeling very depressed and negative most of the time. For even everyday common activities, I have a very negative attitude and approach. What should I do about it?

My husband is recovering from a stroke but is getting depressed. How should I help him?

My husband suffered from a sudden stroke which paralyzed his left side. However with the medical treatment his condition is slowly improving. This incident has left him shaken...

My child seems to be scared of going to school. How should I encourage him?

I am a parent of a 6 year old child. All of a sudden my son is showing extreme fear when it comes to going to school. I am beginning to get worried but I don’t want to shoot...

What causes post natal depression in women?

My sister just delivered her first baby, however the doctors have detected her to be suffering from post natal depression. What could be causing this in her? We feel very upset...

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