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The best mask to wear?

I know N95 mask is the best but I feel that it's really hard to breathe in. o is there another suggestion that you can give. I thought about getting a copper Fit mask. But didn't...

Does acupuncture cure food allergies?

I have food allergies and want to treat them. Does acupuncture cure food allergies?

What happens if you're allergic to local anesthesia?

I need to have surgery under local anesthesia, but I am allergic to anesthesia. What should I do?

High BP and rash?

I have a rash around my neck, inside my ears and around my eyes which have swollen, no hive like bumps but welts along the creases in my neck, no fever, benadryl isn't helping....


I'm at a care facility for physical therapy. I was told that I could keep my Albuterol inhaler at my table next to me. Then I was told that I couldn't. Were they wrong in changing...

Sinus inflammation?

I have what seems like mucus or inflammation in my sinuses. Ear drainage and a headache. What can I take?

Can chiropractors help with allergies?

I have seasonal allergies and want to treat them. Can chiropractors help with allergies?

COVID vaccine?

Recommendation on getting the Covid vaccine with celiacs disease? What are your thoughts?

Which antihistamine is best for dust allergy?

I have a dust allergy and want to treat it. Which antihistamine is best for dust allergy?


I have a lifetime history of asthma, eczema, and anxiety. My mother had congenital heart disease and diabetes, which she died of in 2019. I am 64 years old and the meds I'm taking...

What do I do if my child is allergic to peanuts?

My daughter has a peanut allergy. Is it serious? What should I do?

Can you get allergy shots for dust?

I have a dust allergy and want to treat it. Can you get allergy shots for dust?

Hyper IgE to get Covid Vaccinne?

Hi, I just checked my IgE total and came up with a very high level of about 1000 IU/ml (normal level should be < 100 IU/ml). I don't experience any symptoms at the moment. This...

Can diabetes ever be allergic to insulin?

I don't have diabetes but I was wondering can diabetes ever be allergic to insulin?

How long should a child have a fever after starting antibiotics?

My baby is taking antibiotics for an infection. He still has a fever. How long should a child have a fever after starting antibiotics?


I was positive for covid-19 on May 31, I started a 14-day quarantine and take all my medicine upon doctor's prescription. After 14 days I do another test and it came out negative...

What could it be?

A few years ago, I got itching that started in the scalp area, itching, tingling, burning all over my body. I would only get relief with taking Benadryl it then it had stopped...

Which is better for teething pain Tylenol or Motrin?

My baby is teething and I want to give him pain meds. Which is better for teething pain Tylenol or Motrin?

Why do I have lung inflammation after having the covid shot?

I am a 19 year old male. I was diagnosed with lung inflammation after getting the covid shot?

Does the covid vaccine trigger allergic reactions?

My aunt had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine. Does the covid vaccine trigger allergic reactions?

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