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Can panic attacks be treated?

I have panic attacks. Can panic attacks be treated?

My mother might have schizophrenia?

I need help with my mom, this medical issue is not for me. She has been saying she hears voices and people are watching her, She also says people are watching her by hacking her...

Is it a panic attack?

Well, there has been some stuff that keeps repeating for example yesterday. I felt like I had a breakdown but then I started shaking, got dizzy, started almost panicking, and...

Medicine interactions?

My son was weaned off Celexa and put on Risperidone. He has ASD and ADHD. His anxiety and OCD has gotten worse, but his hyper and aggressive behavior has gotten better. They...

About a neurologic question?

I'm 17 years old now. I've been treated for episodic ataxia type 2. I'm going to start my higher education. Because of that, I should study hard. Always I feel imbalanced with...

Anxiety question?

I've been taking paxil CR 12. 5 for about 10 years for social anxiety. Absolutely no issues with the medication or any side effects, all of a sudden, on January 2022, I was at...

What therapy is most successful in treating panic attacks?

I get panic attacks almost every day. What therapy is most successful in treating panic attacks?

What is the quickest treatment for depression?

I have depression. What is the quickest treatment for depression?

Can anxiety go away on its own?

I have anxiety. Can anxiety go away on its own?

How long does anxiety take to cure?

I have anxiety and want to fix it. How long does anxiety take to cure?

How can I reduce panic attacks?

I get panic attacks too often. How can I reduce panic attacks?

How do I know if I need medication for anxiety?

I have anxiety. How do I know if I need medication for anxiety?

Which medication is best for alcohol dependence?

I have an alcohol addiction. Which medication is best for alcohol dependence?

What is the best way to stop alcohol addiction?

I have an alcohol addiction. What is the best way to stop alcohol addiction?

What is the drug of choice for depression?

I have depression and want to take medications. What is the drug of choice for depression?

Stomach issues when dating?

Anytime I date someone my stomach hurts it is like a roller coaster and then if one of us breaks up my stomach is fine but I can't date anyone without it hurting. I want to know...

Anxiety and depression?

I am a female and a mother of 2. My problem is there is a constant feeling of lump or tightness in my throat. Like when you fight back tears. And I feel emotional for no reason,...

Medication interactions?

I keep getting bad colds but because I’m on Seroquel for my psychosis I can’t take any over-the-counter cold medications without some sort of interaction. I just need to know...

Medication causing vertigo?

Can sertraline or other antidepressants cause bouts of vertigo? If so, could it be due to possibly damaging the inner ear? The only times I had bouts of vertigo in my life were...

Are my problems major enough to seek help?

I want to know if something is wrong with me mentally, for almost two years I have had lots of trouble sleeping sometimes because I have horrible intrusive thoughts and these images...

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