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Can acupressure help joint pain?

I have joint pain in my hips. Can acupressure help joint pain?

What pressure point relieves nausea?

I have nausea and want to treat it. What pressure point relieves nausea?

What pressure point relieves a headache?

I have a headache and want to treat it. What pressure point relieves a headache?

Can acupuncture help lower back pain?

I have lower back pain. Can acupuncture help lower back pain?

Chronic pain in multiple places?

I’m 33 years old, and I’ve dealt with chronic pain for over 13 years now. Due to a multitude of injuries, I have inflammatory muscular pain in my lower left back and left hip...

Cannabis and depression?

I have been dealing with depression for a while and have never known how to deal with it. I've had medication I've also tried cannabis which I found helped calm me down in strenuous...

Is acupuncture good for hip pain?

I have hip pain. Is acupuncture good for hip pain?

How do you open a blocked nose with acupressure?

I have a blocked nose. How do you open a blocked nose with acupressure?

Does acupuncture help with sinus allergies?

I have sinus allergies. Does acupuncture help with sinus allergies?

How can acupuncture help with anemia?

I have anemia and want to treat it. How can acupuncture help with anemia?

Swollen lymph nodes under right armpit for more than 3 months?

I took the first vaccination on the left arm and had no adverse side effects. Pfizer. However, about a month later I began having a burning sensation in my right armpit, not...

Tremor occuring?

I received electrical acupuncture and got a massage 5 mins after and now I have stimulation in head and night internal tremors. What is happening?

HPV transmission?

I am a 31 year old male. I am 5'6 and 180 lbs. I am healthy and active with no symptoms and no medications. I don't smoke and have 1 alcoholic drink a month. I'm here because...

Is it safe to get acupuncture when pregnant?

I am pregnant and want to get acupuncture. Is it safe to get acupuncture when pregnant?

Is there a pressure point for anxiety?

I have anxiety and want to treat it. Is there a pressure point for anxiety?

Is there a pressure point for tinnitus?

I have tinnitus and want to treat it. Is there a pressure point for tinnitus?

Can acupuncture help migraines?

I have migraines and want to treat them. Can acupuncture help migraines?

Cold symptoms with a negative covid test?

Both my husband and I have had sore throat, cough, and are not feeling great. Our symptoms are mild. We both received Covid tests that are negative. We did tests on different...

Chest congestion?

I've been experiencing sensations around my rib cage (on both sides) where it feels like something possibly moving or shifting. Is it possible for mucus to get caught on your...

I have night tremors?

I received electrical acupuncture and got a massage 5 mins after and now I have stimulation in head and night internal tremors. What is happening?

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