Women's Health

Endometriosis and Pregnancy

Endometriosis and Pregnancy

Endometriosis is a common gynecological problem and anyone diagnosed with endometriosis will worry how this condition will affect their ability to conceive, as well as their ability to have a normal and healthy pregnancy. Studies have shown that women diagnosed with endometriosis have a harder time conceiving. Endometriosis is the main known cause among women who have fertility problems. Women in the early stages of endometriosis will need more time to get pregnant than normal women do. However, in advanced stages of endometriosis it could be harder and sometimes even impossible to get pregnant.

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How endometriosis affects the pregnancy and the inability to conceive is not quite clear. Different theories and possible factors have been linked to the problem. These theories have linked problems with the transportation of the egg from the ovaries into the fallopian tubes, an abnormal immune response, an increased level of toxins in the peritoneal fluid, as well as the inability of the follicle to release the matured ovum.

This medical condition does not necessarily cause infertility. Even with severe endometriosis, natural conception is still possible.

Endometriosis tends to be a chronic disease affecting women in their reproductive age. As it tends to slowly progress over the course of time, the endometrial tissue tends to spread into other organs of the human body. This endometrial tissue tends also to get bigger in size in their place of implantation with every menstrual cycle due to the hormones produces by the ovaries that have an effect on the tissue. As the severity of endometriosis increases with time, adhesions caused by endometriosis tend to become more common and the chance of conceiving naturally decreases.

What are the options for women who have fertility problems?

There are several fertility treatments available for women diagnosed with endometriosis. What is the best treatment option for you will depend from the severity of endometriosis and the number of adhesions you might have. It is also important the period of how long the woman has been trying to conceive, as well as the woman’s age. Naturally, fertility decreases with age and women older than 40-years-old have a lower chance to get pregnant.

Medical treatment for endometriosis does not improve the fertility rates. In general, hormone therapy is recommended, which works as a contraceptive too. Surgical treatment of endometriosis tends to resolve its signs and symptoms. It also increases the chances of conceiving, as well.

Once pregnant, even though it might have taken you a little bit longer than it normally would have, it is expected for the pregnancy to run normally, like in every other woman. Some women have also reported severe pain during the first few weeks of pregnancy. However, the pain tends to resolve while pregnant. You should not be too excited about this, as pain tends to come back once you have given birth to your child. The pain will start again, as soon as normal menstrual periods return.