5 Signs That You Need to Bring Your Seniors to a Geriatrician

Our senior family members are the most vulnerable of all. You have to consider that old age is a sensitive stage. Their bodies started to feel weak, including their immune system. If this happens, you acquire various illnesses easily, which can become a threat. Additionally, our senior family members will start to feel pain and discomfort caused by osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Hypertension and diabetes are also common health risks for aging individuals.
That said, seniors must receive proper care to ensure optimal health to lessen their discomfort or pain. One way to do this is to ensure that the right specialists see them. Although their physician can deal with the mentioned health concern, some instances or signs demand the special attention of a geriatrician.
Caring for Seniors Should be Prioritized
Before we talk about the signs and instances that require you to seek specialized care for your seniors, you should first understand that it is their right to be cared for. In addition, you should not worry about finances because the government will be happy to help with the expenses. Every country has a law or a program that helps geriatrics live comfortably and healthily. For example, the USA provides elderly care to their geriatric population through Medicare and Medicaid programs.
In Australia, they have an age care law that focuses on protecting the senior population by funding their aged care needs. Families can choose an institution like the White Oak In Home Care Perth to provide aged care services to seniors in the comforts of their homes.
Top 5 Reasons Why You Must Bring Your Senior to a Geriatrician
Now that you know the rights of the seniors in seeking medical attention as well as the programs and laws protecting and providing for their needs, it is now time to talk about the signs that demand you to seek a geriatrician’s specialization.
When You Notice They Are Starting to Have Mental Decline
One of the alarming signs you need to bring your seniors to the geriatrician is when they manifest any mental decline. Our cognitive ability declines as we get old, so this manifestation is normal or expected to happen to the senior population. Any mental decline you notice in your senior should be taken seriously and should be discussed with a geriatrician. Geriatricians are physicians that specialize in elderly needs and are trained to recognize dementia, depression, and other cognitive conditions.
If Your Seniors are Experiencing Multiple Health Problems
Although primary care can deal with health issues like heart problems, arthritis, diabetes, and hypertension, they can only do so one at a time. However, older adults will have these health conditions simultaneously, plus the mental condition that makes their situation worse, so a geriatrician will be needed.
A geriatrician is trained to handle multiple health conditions at one time and will work with you to create a treatment plan that covers all the medical conditions at once.
Having Difficulty in Moving Around and Completing Tasks
Frailty comes with old age, and geriatricians understand and know how to deal with any issues caused by frailty. Falling and injuries can occur at any time, and geriatricians can put together a plan to help you and the senior recover if injuries occur. This specialist can also provide you with routines and products to help your seniors move around safely and easily. This way, accidents won’t happen anymore and injuries and, worst, hospitalization.
Seeking Caregiving Advice
Since geriatricians specialize in old-age care, they can also give you caregiving tips and advice on how to take care of your seniors at home properly. You have to understand that geriatrics requires specialized care, and as the primary caregiver, you must learn the right way of handling seniors. You will find taking care of seniors is stressful and confusing, especially since most of them suffer some kind of health condition. They will also need you to help them perform simple daily tasks such as taking a bath, eating, and going to the toilet. So, start talking to a geriatrician to understand your role better and seek advice.
When Your Senior is on Multiple Medications
Individuals aged 62 and over can have at least five prescription drugs. More than 60% of these seniors opted for a herbal or dietary supplement. Although this is normal and is part of old age, you still need to seek the advice of a specialist like a geriatrician. Taking too many medications has side effects that seniors will most likely experience. It can cause some cognitive problems, and sometimes, it causes hospitalization.
You have to remember that it becomes harder for our bodies to metabolize and wash away medicines as we become older. Since seniors take multiple drugs, they will most likely experience drug-drug interaction. Drug-drug interaction is an occurrence when a medication reacts to one or more drugs.
Set a Consultation Schedule Now!
Since you already understand the importance of seeing a geriatrician for your seniors, you should book an appointment as soon as possible. Additionally, you are also aware of the programs and laws that cover the finances for taking care of geriatrics. You should never worry. Ensure that your seniors receive the best and the proper care they deserve by seeing a geriatrician.