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What kind of sedation is used for a child's tonsillectomy?

My daughter will have a tonsillectomy. What kind of sedation is used for a child's tonsillectomy?

Thyroid nodule?

I have had a thyroid nodule for about 8 years. If I press on a certain place on my throat, I can drain the contents of it. I can feel it in my throat, and there is an audible...

Post surgery?

I had my tonsils removed today and extra skin removed from my sinuses. Can I still use my CPAP machine? The procedure was done for tonsillar hypertrophy would using CPAP cause...

Causes of an enlarged tongue?

About 5 years ago I had an amalgam filling removed, due to an allergic response on my tongue (leukoplakia). I also noticed I had a scalloped tongue. The dentist didn't think...

Tonsil hanging?

A piece of my tonsil it's just hanging there in my mouth, it's like a flab.

Managing my conditions?

I am on amox clay antibiotics 500/125 mg every 12 hours a week tomorrow. I do feel better but still, feel like fluid some in my ear. I'm on allergy medicine. I am a breast cancer...

I have a fever during the day only?

I have an ESR of 20 and a fever today of 99. 8 F. The ultrasound report, LFT test, lung x-ray, CBC (only white cells have increased) look normal. I have been having a fever for...

Sinus infection?

I have a sinus infection that has been bothering me today.

Neck artery?

I've noticed that on the right side of my neck, either my jugular vein or artery is bigger than my left side and it’s almost like a bump. Is this normal or anything concerning?...

Esophagus hypersensitivity?

I was just diagnosed with esophagus hypersensitivity. I was wondering what medication I can treat it with that won't cause weight gain and sexual dysfunction. I have read that...

Can a pediatrician do a hearing test?

I want to check my daughter's hearing. Can a pediatrician do a hearing test?

What anesthesia is used for nasal polyps removal?

I will have surgery to remove nasal polyps. What anesthesia is used for nasal polyps removal?

What type of anesthesia is used for a child's tonsil removal?

My daughter will have a tonsillectomy. What type of anesthesia is used for a child's tonsil removal?

Symphony orchestra with a ruptured eardrum?

Currently, I have a ruptured right eardrum and a bacterial infection of the middle ear. I have constant pain and usually, I am on painkillers, and I am using antibiotics at the...

Aesthetic rhinoplasty ENS?

I wanted to know if you can get Empty Nose Syndrome by having a rhinoplasty without septoplasty and without turbinates reduction. I’ve talked to some sufferers of ENS, some of...

Covid/sinus issue?

So back in mid-December I started feeling a little under the weather. Congestion, headache, fatigue, lots of pain in the eyebrow, and runny nose. A little bit of a sore throat....

Ringing in left ear?

It started at 5am this morning, my left ear started ringing. It's a very high pitch sound (kind of like the sound for hearing tests). It gets louder if I put anything by my ear...

Loss of taste and smell?

I have had a bad cold and cough. I tested at home for Covid but was negative. The cold is now gone it started 28 December. I have not had any smell or taste since then, it was...

Throat discomfort?

I have excess phlegm, itchiness, and a dry, painful throat.

What are the white spots in my mouth?

I'm a 33 year old male, for the past 7 months, I've been taking medicine and oral ointment for leukoplakia/osmf. I quit all my habits but white spots in my mouth are still there...

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