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Is piles a lifelong condition?

I have recently been diagnosed with piles and I am currently treating it with medication. Is it a lifelong condition?

When do you need a colonoscopy?

Colon cancer runs in my family, so I know I have to get screened regularly. At what age should I start getting a colonoscopy?

I eat so little, but still I feel heavy. Is there a problem with my digestive system?

Even after eating a light meal I feel very heavy and bloated. Could this mean there is a problem with my digestive system?

Can the body reject a transplant after one year?

My neighbor, who is also a really good friend of mine, underwent a liver transplant and after one and a half years of the transplant the body started rejecting the transplant....

What can I do to treat morning nausea?

Usually I wake up slightly nauseated, sometimes I also feel very gassy and bloated. It goes away when I eat breakfast. But is there anything I can do to prevent it or understand...

What are the foods that can relieve constipation in the elderly?

My mom is 87 years old and has been suffering from constipation. Are there any natural, whole foods that can help relieve constipation in the elderly?

My father has been diagnosed with IBD. Do you think naturopathic treatment may help him?

My father is 78 years old and has been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. He keeps having adverse reactions to medications. Do you think a naturopathic treatment may be better...

My mother is 80 years old and has severe constipation. Can we try home enema?

My mother is 80 years old and lately has been having severe constipation. She is very troubled by it. Considering her age would you recommend home enema or is it too dangerous?...

Anal Fissure?

My son had surgery 2 years ago, but shortly after that had the same problem. He visited another specialist 1 month ago, this doctor prescribe a special cream 40 Gm Nifedipine...

Is Crohn's disease a hereditary disease?

My husband has Crohn's disease and I have seen him suffer with it. It seems so painful. I am expecting my first baby and I am worried if he could get this disease too. Is there...

Does GERD indicate a weak liver?

For the past 4 months I have been suffering from GERD and acid reflux. Are there chances that these could also affect my liver in any way?

Is zinetac effective in treating acidity and heartburn?

I am having a lot of bloating around my upper tummy. I am also experiencing heartburn and the doctor has prescribed Zinetac for it. Its been 3 tablets that I have taken already...

Can digene be given to elderly patients?

My mother is 79 years old and has been suffering from GERD. Can we give her digene considering her age?

I have Celiac disease. I was diagnosed appx. 15 years ago.

Celiac Disease with ongoing symptoms even though totally gluten free. Is it necessary to NOT use plastic or wood, and use steel and glass utensils, cutting boards, etc. ? Do...

How long does a transplanted organ last?

My nephew has to undergo a liver transplant. I am only wondering if the transplanted organ will last or not. Will he be fine once the liver is transplanted? What's the possibility...

Can we try home remedies for my father's constipation problem?

My father is 78 years old and has been severely constipated since yesterday. Can I give some home remedies like triphala or husk?

I feel very constipated. Could there be any blockages in my colon system?

I suffer from severe constipation and it has become a big issue. Could this be because of any blockages in my colon? Can it be removed surgically?

I underwent a colon surgery and now I am passing blood traces. Is it normal?

I recently underwent colon surgery for a growth removal. It has been about 5 days since the surgery and today I passed some traces of blood in my stools. Is this normal?

How can I increase my metabolism rate through naturopathy?

I am putting on a lot of weight and I am wondering if it is due to some issues with my metabolism. Can I increase it through naturopathic methods?

Can drinking just occasionally affect the liver?

4 years ago I had hepatitis E that thankfully went away. I have reduced my drinking after recovery from the disease. Will occasional drinking also affect my liver function?

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