Diet and Nutrition

HCG Weight Loss Drops Health Benefits

hCG Weight Loss Drops Health Benefits

What is hCG?

If one is planning to lose weight, then the required criteria is to follow a strict healthy diet and also ensure to carry out certain exercises. However, at times, following a diet becomes very difficult.

hCG is an abbreviation and stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. This is a hormone that is normally found in pregnant women. Back in the 1960s in Rome, it was said that some of the patients of Dr Simeon had taken hCG, and their bodies started to show remarkable changes. The excess fat that was stored in the torsos of those individuals got distributed to the other areas of the body, thus creating an appealing natural appearance of the individuals. hCG has known to be very effective in burning fat from the individual’s body. Since this hormone is found only during pregnancy, later this hormone is not available in the body; hence, it is produced synthetically in a laboratory. This hormone is mixed with Vitamin B12 and other healthy types of ingredients.

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The HCG diet is a powerful plan known to help in losing weight. However, in this plan, one needs to abide by certain rules of calorie intake wherein the prescribed calorie intake in a given day should be no more than 500 calories during the span of eight weeks, either for hCG injections or taking it as a homeopathic product in the form of oral drops, sprays, or pellets. These can be bought from the store.

However, one should note that none of these have been yet approved by the FDA as a weight loss treatment. The hCG shots are legal, but any over-the-counter hCG products are not legal; hence, the FDA has sent out a legal notice to all of those companies which market these hCG products.

hCG: What to Eat and What Not to Eat

In an hCG diet, there won’t be very much eating required. The diet plan allows the individual to have just two meals per day, one for lunch and the other for dinner. Each of these meals should include foods that have nutrients, such as one veggie item, one protein item, one fruit, and one bread. One can also go in for boiling or grilling beef, chicken breast, lobster, white fish, shrimp, or crab, as long as one tends to avoid intake of any visible fat. The should be no consumption of salmon, tuna, pickled fish, or dried fish. The choices of veggies are also limited to green salad, chicory, beet greens, cucumbers, cabbage, spinach, fennel, tomatoes, onions, red radishes, asparagus, and celery. Bread would also mean just one bread stick or a piece of melba toast.

When it comes to fruit, the options would include a handful of strawberries, an orange, grapes, or an apple. There is no limitation on the intake of water, tea, or coffee. You can consume them as much as you want. You are also free to have one tablespoon of milk each day. You should not be consuming sugar or any sweetened drinks; however, you can go in for sugar substitutes. There is no consumption of butter or oil.

It is said that those on an hCG diet tend to lose at least one pound each day, but this can vary from person to person, and the gender of the person also plays an important role. It is said that men lose weight more easily than women; however, it is subject to certain exceptions. A woman can lose typical weight of one to two pounds on a given day, but men can lose around 5 lbs in a day.

hCG Drops

hCG weight loss drops, if used in a proper manner, are known to burn fats that are stored in the belly, abdomen, chin, neck, legs, thighs, and shoulder regions. The hCG drops are also known to restore the eating habits, along with reducing the desire for eating sweets and any kind of fatty food. These drops are made of a homeopathic formula that is prepared in a very rigorous manner with a specific dilution process so as to avoid the chances of any side effects. Those individuals who have taken the drops as per the directions provided have not complained of feeling hungry. These hCG drops are very effective to burn any stored fats in the bloodstream when the dieters follow a diet that is low in caloric count.

When the hCG is taken orally, it is known to effectively target and attack the fats stored in the body. During the weight loss process, it effectively pulls the skin, thus improving the elasticity and also minimizing the skin that becomes flabby. The skin turns out to be firm and well-toned. There have been many individuals who have mentioned that after the intake of hCG drops they have seen a change in their appetite within a couple of days. These individuals consume smaller meals throughout the day, and they do not seem to have the urge to consume unhealthy or junk foods. These drops are very helpful in that the body adapts itself to eating a low calorie diet. This in turn leads to achievement of successful weight loss in just a few weeks’ time. The hCG drops have known to be beneficial for both men and women.

The hCG diet has been marketed as the permanent way of losing fat from the body. The other exercises or under-eating strategies just work for the time they are carried out. Once we stop exercising or start eating too much, the weight is back again. By using hCG drops, one can get rid of the excess fat, and it would not come back again. The fat cells are destroyed completely by using the hCG drops.

Why hCG Drops?

As mentioned earlier, there are several ways one can consume hCG. It can be injected in the body, but for some individuals, it becomes a painful process and at times uncomfortable. Also, while injecting, one has to be very careful that the injection should be done carefully at the right spots on the body. Usually, the injections are done on the buttocks, belly, or thighs. However, when using hCG weight loss drops, there is no chance an individual can go wrong, which can happen with injections.

Benefits of hCG Drops

There have been significant health benefits of hCG drops wherein the plan promises to assist the individual in losing at least 3 lbs in a day. Many of the individuals who have taken hCG drops have shown significant improvement in the weight loss category. Apart from losing weight, those individuals have also experienced other benefits:

  • The drops' main benefit is that they reduce the constant hunger pangs in an individual wherein he or she tends to eat more and also eats unhealthy items.
  • This becomes an easy way of losing weight wherein you would not need to carry out any exercises for shedding those extra pounds.
  • Usage of these drops in a timely manner has shown good results, such as the weighing less and having smaller measurements.
  • One of the most important functions of hCG drops, especially for people who are looking to lose weight, is to cause the abnormal fats that are stored in the various fat deposits in the body to get released. This leads to the body cells getting more energy from the fat. This also leads to getting rid of those fats hanging loosely on the body, which at times becomes hard to accomplish by under-eating and working out harder.
  • On average, an individual would tend to drop at least five pounds in a week.
  • Apart from losing weight, the hCG drops are also known to promote the production of energy, thus avoiding the individual feeling lethargic.
  • An hCG diet has been known as a better way to develop good eating habits among the individuals.
  • The weight becomes manageable to maintain after the weight loss.
  • hCG drops provide benefits by promoting weight loss, which in turn leads to boosting the confidence of the individual and also making them look and feel good from within.

Apart from the benefits mentioned above, there are various health benefits that can be experienced by the individual, including:

  • Maintaining an ideal weight by losing those extra pounds from the body, which helps to strengthen the immune system
  • Helps in increasing the mental concentration in the individuals
  • Proper weight loss and having healthy eating habits can lead to having an impact on the skin, wherein the skin looks and feels more fresh and healthy
  • There is loss of fat from the body; hence, weight loss in an hCG drop diet targets the meltdown of the fat, rather than muscle loss
  • Prevents the signs of aging, such as reducing dark spots, acne scars, wrinkles, and freckles
  • This plan helps to prevent any form of severe or life threatening diseases, such as asthma, gout, diabetes, hypertension, breast cancer, myocardial infarction, etc.
  • hCG prevents the muscles from breaking down during the weight loss process

How to Use the Drops

Using the drops as opposed to the injections is pretty simple. Certain individuals prefer to go in for sublingual hCG as the convenient way. One has to only apply the drops under the tongue and wait for some duration before it gets absorbed. It won’t take more than 20 minutes. Once it is absorbed, it will start to circulate in the body and gradually lead to one losing weight each week. The dosage instructions and limits would be available on the label of the medicine; however, one can consume around 12 to 15 drops to be taken three times per day. There have been some reviews in which people have mentioned that taking 10 drops around 6 times a day has also shown to be effective for weight loss. However, either way, it would not make much of the difference. This would hold true for homeopathic ones; however, if one uses the pharmacy drops, then it is better to check the dosage instructions on the medicine, since the solution is not diluted, and thus, the hCG concentration is higher.

HCG Scams

Before going to buy hCG from the market, one should understand clearly what form of hCG should be used and from where to buy it. One can divide the hCG available in the market into two different categories: homeopathic hCG and pharmacy grade hCG. Both of these drops work just fine and normally, but getting it from a trustworthy place or producer is of utmost importance. There are a number of companies that show that they sell hCG drops. However, many of these are fake. By using their products, weight loss would not happen, and it can leave one starving. Those products are of inferior quality and would lead to more harm instead of any gain from them. Always check for genuine sellers, and cross verify with someone else before purchasing the product.

Risk Factors of hCG

To stick to such a strict diet is very difficult. It becomes very uncomfortable for an individual to just live on 500 calories per day. In certain cases, it can start to impact the health of the individual, since the body is not able to meet all the nutritional needs with so few calories a day. There can be cases of protein deficiency or any vitamin or mineral deficiency. In such a strict diet, it becomes difficult to achieve the daily needs of mineral and vitamins, and hence, the individual would need to go in for supplementary forms of these essential nutrients.

It is not that doctors do not recommend such low calorie diets, but it is especially common for those individuals who are obese and, due to certain medical conditions, need to reduce their weight. Also, in such individuals, the doctor regularly monitors the diet plan and the progress of the individual.