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Melissa Kristelle Fling, AU.D.


Dr. Melissa Fling Au.D. is a top audiologist that practices at Advantage ENT and Audiology in Arvada and Westminster, Colorado. She specializes in diagnosing and treating hearing and vestibular/balance disorders.
9 years Experience
Melissa Kristelle Fling, AU.D.
  • Arvada, Co
  • Central Michigan University
  • Accepting new patients

What age do most people start needing hearing aids?

It's different for everyone. Age-related hearing loss starts to slowly develop around 50 years old, but that varies based on many factors (i.e. health, genetics, lifestyle, etc). READ MORE
It's different for everyone. Age-related hearing loss starts to slowly develop around 50 years old, but that varies based on many factors (i.e. health, genetics, lifestyle, etc). Best thing to do is get your hearing checked every 5 years or so if you're under 50 years old, then maybe every 2 to 3 years after 50. Then you'll know if and when you need hearing aids. Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

Can a wax build-up cause hearing loss?

Yes, but it would resolve when the wax is removed. 

I suddenly can't hear well from right ear?

Could be wax, but call an Ear, Nose and Throat office ASAP and tell them you've had a sudden hearing loss in the right ear and they'll work you in the same day. 

Can ear plugs damage your hearing long-term?

Damage? I don't think so. It could contribute to hypersensitivity to certain sounds, but if you can't sleep without them, that's okay. Definitely won't cause "damage" though. 

Does my husband need a hearing test?

Hearing can start to slowly decline with age around 50 years old. It's a good idea for everyone to get their hearing checked pretty regularly, just like you get your eyes and teeth READ MORE
Hearing can start to slowly decline with age around 50 years old. It's a good idea for everyone to get their hearing checked pretty regularly, just like you get your eyes and teeth checked regularly. Hearing is an important part of your health and it can be a window into other unknown health problems. On the other side of same coin, chronic health conditions such as diabetes, and heart and kidney disease can cause and exacerbate hearing loss, as they negatively impact blood flow and filtering. He may have some high-frequency hearing loss. Either way, if he can't understand you when you're talking from other room, the simplest solution to start with is to wait to talk to him until you're in the same room and get his attention first. But, yeah, the two of you should go together and both get your hearing checked to get a baseline. Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

I hear constant ringing in my left ear?

Well, if it comes and goes and only last seconds to a couple minutes, that's pretty normal. Everyone gets that. If it's constant (doesn't go away) and you've had it for a while, READ MORE
Well, if it comes and goes and only last seconds to a couple minutes, that's pretty normal. Everyone gets that. If it's constant (doesn't go away) and you've had it for a while, could be tinnitus. You could get your hearing checked. Any noise exposure lately? Change in medication or diet? Stress levels? Those can all cause or contribute to tinnitus. Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

What can be the cause of frequent ear infections?

Could be a lot of things. Could be your diet (i.e., too much sugar). Could be your anatomy. Do other people in your family have the same problem? Do you have an otolaryngologist READ MORE
Could be a lot of things. Could be your diet (i.e., too much sugar). Could be your anatomy. Do other people in your family have the same problem? Do you have an otolaryngologist that you see for these? If you're seeing general practitioner, that is something that can be quite often misdiagnosed. So, it may not be an actual infection. If you haven't already, I'd go see an otolaryngologist if you can. They can help get to the root cause if they're good and attentive. 

What can be the cause of my earaches?

Could be many different things. Be best to see general practitioner/primary care physician or otolaryngologist. A month is long. Go see someone if you can. 

Will an otoplasty affect my ability to hear?

It may, but an otolaryngologist would better educate you about that. 

Can vertigo cause slurred speech?

Well, the vertigo would probably not be the cause. The vertigo and slurred speech may be symptoms of something else. Have you seen an ENT and/or neurologist? If not, start with READ MORE
Well, the vertigo would probably not be the cause. The vertigo and slurred speech may be symptoms of something else. Have you seen an ENT and/or neurologist? If not, start with a general practitioner/primary care physician. I would get that looked at ASAP. 

Does hearing loss affect speech in adults?

It can, but the typical effect is that someone speaks louder to hear themselves. If his speech is declining differently than that, there may be other factors. Does he wear hearing READ MORE
It can, but the typical effect is that someone speaks louder to hear themselves. If his speech is declining differently than that, there may be other factors. Does he wear hearing aids? If you're concerned, I'd take him to the doctor. 

Hard bump behind ear, no pain, is getting bigger?

You need to go see an Ear, Nose and Throat physician ASAP. 

Is it possible to get ear drops over the counter?

Hmm, I'm not sure about that, as I'm not a physician. It depends on the kind of infection. If it's bacterial, you'd obviously need antibiotics, which you cannot get over the counter. READ MORE
Hmm, I'm not sure about that, as I'm not a physician. It depends on the kind of infection. If it's bacterial, you'd obviously need antibiotics, which you cannot get over the counter. If it's fungal, there may be some over the counter options. You could ask a pharmacist at Walgreens, CVS or Rite Aid or any other local pharmacy at your vacation location. You could also go to an urgent care, and if they don't accept your insurance, you can pay out of pocket for the visit. It's usually somewhere around $125. 

Are there any surgeries to treat hearing loss from birth?

Depends on the type and/or degree of hearing loss (inner, middle, outer or combination), but yes, there are options, whether it's correcting an anatomical abnormality and/or implanting READ MORE
Depends on the type and/or degree of hearing loss (inner, middle, outer or combination), but yes, there are options, whether it's correcting an anatomical abnormality and/or implanting a prosthesis. 

Can my ear infection impact my hearing?

Yes, an ear infection can impact hearing if it causes inflammation, debris or fluid build-up in the ear. Usually, it's temporary and resolves once the infection clears. 

Can vertigo lead to other problems?

It's hard to say without a hearing test and a comprehensive exam. I would see an ENT physician for a hearing test, etc. 

I can hear a buzz sound all the time. What is it?

It sounds like tinnitus which is a phantom sound that the brain produces sometimes due to noise exposure, hearing loss, etc. Tinnitus is very common and usually is not something READ MORE
It sounds like tinnitus which is a phantom sound that the brain produces sometimes due to noise exposure, hearing loss, etc. Tinnitus is very common and usually is not something to be concerned about; however, I would see an audiologist to have a hearing test done to see if you have something in your ear(s) causing it (i.e., wax impaction) or if there is hearing loss. 

Is deafness with age a heriditary problem?

It can be due to both aging and genetics; however, genetic hearing loss typically develops before 50 years. Presbycusis, hearing loss due to aging, can start to develop around READ MORE
It can be due to both aging and genetics; however, genetic hearing loss typically develops before 50 years. Presbycusis, hearing loss due to aging, can start to develop around 50 years or older. Other factors that can contribute to rapidly declining hearing loss at an older age would be if the individual has a history of being exposed to noise (i.e., guns, machinery, music, etc), if they have a chronic health condition (i.e. heart or kidney disease, diabetes, etc) or if they are taking medications that are toxic to the hearing system (i.e. loop diuretics, cisplatin, carboplatin). If you're concerned about developing hearing loss, I would see an audiologist and get a baseline hearing evaluation and get it rechecked every 1-2 years or sooner if you feel like you're noting changes. 
Hope that helps. 

Dr. Fling

I am hearing an echo sound while talking. What could this be?

Do either of your ears feel plugged? Do you currently have a head cold? Could be a number of things. If you've been experiencing it for more than a week, I would probably see your READ MORE
Do either of your ears feel plugged? Do you currently have a head cold? Could be a number of things. If you've been experiencing it for more than a week, I would probably see your primary care physician or an otolaryngologist. 

What is the treatment for the ringing sound in my ears?

That sound is called tinnitus. It's very common. Be careful with what you believe about it online. It's typically a symptom of hearing loss, but may also be caused by stress, medications, READ MORE
That sound is called tinnitus. It's very common. Be careful with what you believe about it online. It's typically a symptom of hearing loss, but may also be caused by stress, medications, noise exposure, ear wax, etc. The first step would be to see an Ear, Nose and Throat (i.e., ENT) physician who also has an audiologist. They will review your symptoms, the audiologist will perform a hearing evaluation, and they will be able to tell you potential causes. In most cases, but not all, there is no cure for tinnitus. If it is a new symptom, it is not necessarily permanent. See an ENT physician and audiologist and go from there.