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Dr. Leon Rosenberg, MD


Dr. Leon Rosenberg practices Neuropathology in Canton, OH. Dr. Rosenberg studies, evaluates, diagnoses, and treats conditions that affect the nervous system. Neuropathologists are trained to fully understand and treat such conditions as Alzheimers disease and Parkinsons disease.
Dr. Leon Rosenberg, MD
  • Cleveland, Ohio
  • The Warren Alpert School of Medicine at Brown University
  • Accepting new patients

What is the most effective treatment for autism?

As an adult neurologist I have very limited experience with the treatment of Autism. Im sorry.

Can I take Celexa for anxiety while taking lamictal for seizures

In rare instances celexa can increase the likelihood of seizures. But there is no specific interaction between the two drugs. So yes the two drugs can be used together.

TIA-like experience

If you have only been on the stimulant 4 days and the event occurred during that time, the medication is the most likely culprit. Your symptoms do not sound like a TIA. If you READ MORE
If you have only been on the stimulant 4 days and the event occurred during that time, the medication is the most likely culprit. Your symptoms do not sound like a TIA. If you have had migraines, or if you headache after or with the symptoms, then that would be a possibility.

Neurological problem?

I cant help without more information than severe enough for a bloo ctrtlong scream. Like where it is, what physical problems it has caused. You say when out Started bui dont tell READ MORE
I cant help without more information than severe enough for a bloo ctrtlong scream. Like where it is, what physical problems it has caused. You say when out Started bui dont tell what that is.

What Does Single Flare Hyperintensities Mean?

Can you please send the entire report. That would allow me to give you a better response


He needs regular follow up with the neurosurgeon with Cat Scans of the head and they should review with you the symptoms to watch for. Shunt failure is usually not sudden but may READ MORE
He needs regular follow up with the neurosurgeon with Cat Scans of the head and they should review with you the symptoms to watch for. Shunt failure is usually not sudden but may require an ER evaluation. It is treated with a temporary shunt or a replacement of the existing shunt.


The Clivus is a part of the skull. A sclerotic lesion is usually a benign area in the bone and not a malignancy.

Mri brain test results help please

The report, unfortunately, that came with your question, only has some introductory information: that is that the findings were compared to a previous MRI has done in 2021. If READ MORE
The report, unfortunately, that came with your question, only has some introductory information: that is that the findings were compared to a previous MRI has done in 2021. If you could send the wording of the impression, That would help me answeryour question.

MRI report explained in layman's terms

No report came with the question. I’d be glad to explain it, if you are
able to get the results.

Prominent vascular loop.

Vascular loops are merely sharp turns in an artery. By themselves they are not a risk, just a turn of the artery that otherwise would be straight. They are a problem if the artery READ MORE
Vascular loops are merely sharp turns in an artery. By themselves they are not a risk, just a turn of the artery that otherwise would be straight. They are a problem if the artery presses against a nerve or a part of the brain. Typically this of a nerve. It can then cause pain or an asleep
feeling.Depending on the situation, symptoms are usually managed with medication first.

Am I having Seizures?

They could be what is called partial seizures. This is when only part of the body is involved and there is no loss of consciousness, incontinence or tongue biting With a brain READ MORE
They could be what is called partial seizures. This is when only part of the body is involved and there is no loss of consciousness, incontinence or tongue biting With a brain MRI, and an EEG, a neurologist could tell you for certain whether these are seizures and prescribe medication to control them.


This is an urgent care type of problem. Not neurological.


Typically an infectious disease doctor or neurosurgeon treats arachnoiditis

Memory loss

Quite an unusual situation in a young person. There are sleep disorders that could do this, and seizures that occur during sleep could lead to confusion upon awakening. I would READ MORE
Quite an unusual situation in a young person. There are sleep disorders that could do this, and seizures that occur during sleep could lead to confusion upon awakening. I would suggest you report this to your doctor and have a check-up.

So I think I have night terrors

Night terrors, sleepwalking, seizures, and sleep eating are all abnormal behaviors that occur during sleep, and as a group is called parasomnia. Meaning “around “or “sleep “. READ MORE
Night terrors, sleepwalking, seizures, and sleep eating are all abnormal behaviors that occur during sleep, and as a group is called parasomnia. Meaning “around “or “sleep “. If they are frequent and/or bothersome then tell your family doctor about them.

Head & Neck CTA

Yes. The CTA is our most accurate way to assess for aneurysm. Any that are larger than 2 mm would be seen. Any that are less than 2 mm are not significant.


Seizures can be caused by many different types of problems. Often after testing no cause can be found, but you can still be at risk of having another one at any time. If one should READ MORE
Seizures can be caused by many different types of problems. Often after testing no cause can be found, but you can still be at risk of having another one at any time. If one should occur while driving or working somewhere high the result could be catastrophic.

You need to see your family doctor or go to an emergency room to start having tests done and a decision made about whether you need to be on
medication to prevent more seizures in the future. And you need to not be driving or working at heights starting. immediately.


Your symptoms are certainly neurological, but the usual pattern of stroke is sudden onset and gradual improvement. Also headache is an uncommon symptom of stroke unless it is severe READ MORE
Your symptoms are certainly neurological, but the usual pattern of stroke is sudden onset and gradual improvement. Also headache is an uncommon symptom of stroke unless it is severe with paralysis, and coma.

None of this means your symptoms aren’t worrisome and a trip to your family doctor or urgent care is appropriate.

Headaches for 2 days

Headache is very rarely an early symptom of a brain tumor. The brain has no pain fibers. They can operate on the brain with patients wide awake. Headache is much more. Likely to READ MORE
Headache is very rarely an early symptom of a brain tumor. The brain has no pain fibers. They can operate on the brain with patients wide awake. Headache is much more. Likely to be migraine, tension, or originating from the neck. If this headache is identical to one’s you have had before, except it lasted 2 days, then awaiting your family doctor’s return should be safe.

Functional Neurological Disorder?

Functional disease is diagnosed by specific finds on the exam, and by testing looking for treatable disorders that could produce the symptoms. Stress , particularly stressful conditions READ MORE
Functional disease is diagnosed by specific finds on the exam, and by testing looking for treatable disorders that could produce the symptoms. Stress , particularly stressful conditions during childhood can lead to a functional disorder in adulthood. Treatment is typically done by a psychologist with “cognitive behavioral therapy “.