Dr. Karine Airapetian, MD
Addiction Psychiatrist
Dr. Karine Airapetian is an Addiction Psychiatrist practicing in Paramus, NJ. Dr. Airapetian evaluates, diagnoses, and treats people who suffer from impulse control conditions related to addiction. As an Addiction Psychiatrist, Dr. Airapetian is a substance abuse expert, and is trained to fully understand the biological science behind addiction, in order to properly treat each patient.
38 years
Dr. Karine Airapetian, MD
- Paramus, NJ
- Medical university, Armenia
- Accepting new patients
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Can I do cognitive behavioral therapy on myself?
You can, but it's more efficient with a therapist who can lead the treatment, goals, etc.
Is CBT good for anxiety?
Yes, very good.
How does alcohol increase depression?
Yes it does
Can you take anti-anxiety medicine while overweight?
Yes, you should, but with MD supervision.
How do you recover from depression?
Absolutely yes, with therapy , medications, regular follow up
Who is the best professional to see for anxiety treatment?
Psychiatrist and therapist for CBT
Adopted child suffering from depression?
With love and care and supportive steady environment, and see child psychiatrist
Why is my anxiety so high?
With therapy, you have a good chance to get to the bottom of it and slowly find out reasons.
What could be the cause of panic attacks?
At times something will trigger, but many times we don’t know
How to get treatment for an eating disorder?
Specialized centers for eating do , with structural environment and building up self esteem are really helpful
Can repeated blackouts indicate an alcohol problem?
Yes, she needs to seek treatment, meetings AA or intensive outpatient program
When should one begin taking anti-anxiety medication?
See a psychiatrist and together decide. It depends on the severity and if functioning is getting impaired.
Can being overweight cause anxiety?
Yes, unfortunately, you eat, you stress, meaning every time you get anxious, you start eating to comfort yourself.
How can one spot depression in children?
Low energy, poor performance, isolation, no friends, poor sleep, change in weight, feelings of hopelessness and helplessness,
What are the benefits of using cognitive behavioral therapy versus using behavioral therapy?
Almost similar, more important to get a therapist who can establish a relationship with your son.
What is the main goal of cognitive behavioral therapy?
To substitute negative thoughts with positive in response to emotion