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Dawn Marie Wafer, L.AC.


Dawn Wafer is an acupuncturist practicing in BUELLTON, CA. Dr. Wafer evaluates and treats patients based on the concepts of oriental medicine. Acupuncturists complete their evaluations by getting a patient history and looking at and touching the body. Then, they place very fine acupuncture needles into specific points on the body. Stimulating these points and nerves is how Dr. Wafer treats the patients condition. Many of the bodys systems respond to acupuncture, and it can treat physical pain as well as emotional stress.
Diagnostics used to find disharmonies in the body include facial diagnosis, tongue and pulse, asking , smelling, observing, palpating, and orhtopedic examination. One a diagnosis is reached a treatment plan will bring these disharmonies into balance. The treatment plan will include acupuncture, herbs, diet and lifestyle suggestions. 
18 years Experience
Dawn Marie Wafer, L.AC.
  • Accepting new patients

Can acupuncture help with knee pain?

Yes. Acupuncture helps with just about any type of pain.

Can acupuncture help with energy levels?

Yes. As well it also helps to discuss dietary and exercise choices.

How long are acupuncture needles left in?

Anywhere from seconds to 45 minutes depending on the reason fro treatment.

Can acupuncture needles be left in too long?

The practitioner will make a diagnosis then decide the length of time they are left in. There are some circumstances where leaving them in longer can cause an adverse reaction. READ MORE
The practitioner will make a diagnosis then decide the length of time they are left in. There are some circumstances where leaving them in longer can cause an adverse reaction.

What should you not do before acupuncture?

Fasting. Acupuncture can sometimes decrease blood sugar. If you have not eaten for too many hours you can sometimes become light headed or dizzy if you have not eaten in a timely READ MORE
Fasting. Acupuncture can sometimes decrease blood sugar. If you have not eaten for too many hours you can sometimes become light headed or dizzy if you have not eaten in a timely manner.

Why does acupuncture hurt sometimes?

It can be due to the patients sensitivity as well as the health and well being of the patient. Also different forms of acupuncture some which require a stronger stimulation. Practitioners READ MORE
It can be due to the patients sensitivity as well as the health and well being of the patient. Also different forms of acupuncture some which require a stronger stimulation. Practitioners also have different training and some are more gentle than others.

How long does it take for acupuncture to work for stress?

Everyone responds differently. Some will see effects within minutes. Some will take several treatments.

Can acupuncture ease sinus problems?

Yes. Herbs and diet change will help as well.

How many sessions of acupuncture do I need?

You would need a detailed evaluation in order to answer this question properly. Every case is different.

Can acupuncture help with fertility?

Yes. Once the acupuncturist determines the diagnosis a plan will be set out to correct disharmony in the body and create an environment for conception to take place.

Can acupuncture ease sinus problems?

Yes. Herbs may be added to speed up the process as well as dietary therapy.

Is acupuncture for your neck safe?

Yes! I treat it all the time and am very successful . Works amazing!

How many sessions of acupuncture do I need?

Every case is different. A detailed evaluation is necessary to determine how many sessions would be needed.

Can acupuncture help get rid of belly fat?

No. Not directly. It depends on why you are overweight. If it is due to sedentary lifestyle... no. If it is due to stress, and the acupuncture reduces the stress and therefore READ MORE
No. Not directly. It depends on why you are overweight. If it is due to sedentary lifestyle... no. If it is due to stress, and the acupuncture reduces the stress and therefore modulates cortisol {the stress hormone} then yes it can help. But you must exercise and eat a balanced diet for you to lose belly fat.

Can acupuncture help with fertility?

Yes. One of the best ways to help with fertility! The practitioner will determine a diagnosis (why you cannot conceive) then treat based off of their findings . It will include READ MORE
Yes. One of the best ways to help with fertility! The practitioner will determine a diagnosis (why you cannot conceive) then treat based off of their findings . It will include acupuncture and herbs and diet changes to create an optimal environment in the body for conception.