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Dr. Natasha E. Kelly, M.D.


Dr. Natasha Kelly is a general surgeon/general practitioner practicing in Ansonia, CT. Dr. Kelly specializes in providing general practice medical care focusing on urgent care, MAT/Opioid/alcohol use disorder management, pain management, migraine management, orthotic devices/occupational health/rehab medicine, cancer screening, pharmacogenetics, allergy/immunology testing, obesity medicine, behavioral health, women’s health, infertility, polypharmacy prevention/management, and wound care to clients/patients across the U.S. via telemedicine platform.
Dr. Natasha E. Kelly, M.D.
Specializes in:
  • surgeon
  • Ansonia, CT
  • SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University
  • Accepting new patients

Is laparoscopic gallbladder surgery a major surgery?

Yes. It is a major Surgery and uses general anesthesia GETA

How long after inguinal hernia repair can I run?

Please follow up with Surgeon. But about 3-6 months. It depends on the extent of the Surgery.

What are the risks and benefits of minimally invasive colorectal surgery?

Benefits, faster recovery. Risks: bleeding, infection and blood clot

What are the risks and complications associated with kidney transplantation?

Please discuss in detail w/ Nephrologist and Transplant Surgeon.

Is heart stent surgery painful?

Yes, there will be pain. Anesthesia will control pain well.

Is tonsillectomy painful?

Yes. It should be removed with Surgery by Pediatric ENT Surgeon.

Do exercises help with ankle arthritis?

Massage bid-qid 60-90 seconds w/ Castor Oil/chest rub. Then exercise therapy from You Tube. Acupuncture w/ Moxibustion twice weekly for 12 weeks then weekly.

What is the treatment for kidney stones in children?

Nutrition management. Drink 500 ml of Plum Juice everyday and Probiotics 250-500 ml everyday brand Good Belly/Kefir. Otherwise lithotripsy

What is a spinal block?

Anestheisa is injected to spinal nerves to revent pain transmission signals along the nerve pathway.

Can surgery fix a brain aneurysm?

Yes, if it is recommended.

What exercises to avoid with ankle arthritis?

Consult PT/OT. Otherwisw exercise thearpy for ankle arthritis on You Tube bid-qid.

How long is recovery after a heart bypass?

6-12 months which include cardiac rehab.

How long is recovery for partial nephrectomy?

6-12 months. Minimum 3-6 months

What foods to avoid after gastric sleeve?

Importatnt to drink Probiotics and organic bone broth. Follow the Surgeon and Bariatric teams instructions.

Can kidney stones be removed with surgery?

Lithotripsy is used, ultrasound.