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Dr. Natasha E. Kelly, M.D.


Dr. Natasha Kelly is a general surgeon/general practitioner practicing in Ansonia, CT. Dr. Kelly specializes in providing general practice medical care focusing on urgent care, MAT/Opioid/alcohol use disorder management, pain management, migraine management, orthotic devices/occupational health/rehab medicine, cancer screening, pharmacogenetics, allergy/immunology testing, obesity medicine, behavioral health, women’s health, infertility, polypharmacy prevention/management, and wound care to clients/patients across the U.S. via telemedicine platform.
Dr. Natasha E. Kelly, M.D.
Specializes in:
  • surgeon
  • Ansonia, CT
  • SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University
  • Accepting new patients

Does appendicitis pain require surgery?

Please visit ER for proper work up and evaluation by Pediatric Surgery.

What is the fix for rectal prolapse?

Consult GI for a proper work up and may require Surgery

How long after appendix surgery can you fly?

Please consult Surgeon. it depends on the extensiveness of Surgery and lung collapse at abse of the lung/atelectasis.

Can rectal prolapse be fixed?

Yes, with Surgery.

Can I exercise after inguinal hernia surgery?

The Surgeon has to clear you for when to start exercising, but walking is fine immediately.

Can gastric sleeve surgery cause any issues?

Please discuss with the Surgeon, but there are several micronutrient deficiencies, possible gut motility issues and high risk for ulcer along staple line.

When can I exercise after the hernia repair?

Discuss with Surgeon, it depends on extent of procedure.

Can you drink alcohol with a kidney transplant?

No, not advisable. Alcohol is very cardiotoxic.

Is chronic wrist pain serious?

Yes, complex chronic pain syndrome can cause heart attack, stroke or stomach ulcer 2nd to stress on the body.

What surgery is best for kidney cancer?

Kidney resection, partial or complete.

Is colon polyp serious?

The polyps must be removed or increased risk for cancer over time, if not benign polyps or some polyps left behind during colonoscopy

When can I eat after the gastric bypass?

Please discuss with Obesity Doctor.

Do I need to go to the ER if there is blood in the stool?

Consult GI if stable HR less than 90 and BP wnl.

What treatment is the best for uterine pre-cancerous lesions?

LEEP, excision or freezing and excision.

Can enlarged prostate be cured?

Yes. Consult a Naturopath or Integrative/Functional Medicine.

How long is inguinal hernia treatment?

If there is pain, then Surgery has to be performed. It can take up to 3-6 months to heal appropriately.

Is colon surgery serious?

All Surgery carry risks.

Is appendix surgery serious?

All Surgery carry risks.