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Dr. Durwood Neal, M.D.


Dr. Durwood Neal is a urologist practicing in Tulsa, OK. Dr. Neal specializes in diseases of the urinary tract and the male reproductive system. This includes areas of the bladder, urethra, kidneys, penis and prostate. Urology is a surgical specialty and requires knowledge in other areas of expertise such as gynecology and internal medicine due to the variety of clinical problems that are involved.
Dr. Durwood Neal, M.D.
  • Tulsa, OK
  • The Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine at UT Health San Antonio
  • Accepting new patients


Tobias would not cause that. I would have to see it or examine it to tell you more

What is the best medicine for sperm motility?

There are some that a urologist would prescribe. Nothing really over the counter.

What causes leukocytes in sperm?

The short answer is inflammation. You should be tested fo an infection as the cause of the inflammation. A visit to a urologist would help discern causes, including scar tissue, READ MORE
The short answer is inflammation. You should be tested fo an infection as the cause of the inflammation. A visit to a urologist would help discern causes, including scar tissue, bio keg, etc.

Drainage from my penis?

Usually this comes from the periurethral glands it is a natural discharge from penile stimulation.

Query On Semen?

Nothing, provided you don't have HPV.

Possible STD scare?

it couldn't hurt, but herpetic lesions don't usually last that long and they are usually painful. If it hasn't changed, I would seek a competent urologist or dermatologist. My READ MORE
it couldn't hurt, but herpetic lesions don't usually last that long and they are usually painful. If it hasn't changed, I would seek a competent urologist or dermatologist. My plan would be to probably biopsy it. The risk is miniscule and you would be rid of it and you would know precisely what it is.

Lost my libido?

In my opinion, you need a penile doppler. Not available everywhere. This would answer the erection question. Regarding the MHSDD, a trained therapist is essential. Your hormone READ MORE
In my opinion, you need a penile doppler. Not available everywhere. This would answer the erection question. Regarding the MHSDD, a trained therapist is essential. Your hormone dosage is a bit on the high side, although you didn't say how much testosterone you are injecting.

Genital advice?

A skin biopsy is in order. My best guess is eczema. In any case a urologist can tell you (or a dermatologist). Doubtful as to crabs or STD

Is it normal for erections to be very hard and rigid with a lot of pre-ejaculatory fluid leaking?

It is normal to see copious pre-ejaculate in a man your age. Whereas this may be a bit excessive, there isn’t anything to be concerned about.