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Roman Nowosilskyj

General Practitioner

Dr. Roman Nowosilskyj is a general practitioner practicing in Athelstone , South Australia. Dr. Nowosilskyj does not specialize in one area of medicine, however provides routine health care services. General practitioners typically have regular, even life-long patients who they provide health care services to. Dr. Nowosilskyj provides services including physical exams, immunizations, and diagnosing and treating multiple illnesses and injuries. General practitioners typically work in private offices and clinics and have staffs of nurses and administators.
Roman Nowosilskyj
  • Athelstone, South Australia
  • University of Adelaide
  • Accepting new patients

Why is my mother's blood pressure high in the mornings?

It is now well known that BP fluctuates throughout the day - could be she is bit more tense in am

Why does my health tracker show increased heart rate?

People can have cardiac conditions where heart rate fluctuates so needs a 24hr study

My husband has weird stomach pain and is burping a lot. Could these be symptoms of an infection?

Could have gastric reflux but helicopter bacteria may need to be excluded . May need endoscopy

Is Kayam churna safe?

Some natural products help and there is a lot more research on products like this and vitamins etc going on

Weird pain?

Could be gallstone

Painful headaches?

Could be migraine but may need an eye check to check retina


Can get liver issues

Is it safe for an anemic patient to check their blood frequently?

Yes but may need to see her Dr for occasional hamoglobin and iron check

Is constipation a permanent problem for some people?

Yes it can be a chronic issue and some patients need medication to help bowel functioning

Why does my wife have low blood pressure after her delivery?

With general weight loss and less load on the body this can happen

What is the best treatment for diarrhea?

No milk no cheese no fatty foods - fluids initially .Lomotil if needed

How do I know if my son has ringworm?

May need a skin scrapping for biopsy

Going back to work question?

Still ongoing issues re newer strains and less likely to be less reactive to vaccines